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Jeffboat Delivers Towboat 'Alois Luhr' (continued) that enables it to clear the low bridges on the waterway. A general contractor specializing in river and port construction, Luhr Bros., Inc. was founded in 1948. Some of the firm's more recent activities include the provision of all the rock for the construction of Lock and Dam 1 on the Red River; channel excavation and bank stabil- ization work connected with the construction of a nuclear plant at St. Francisville, La.; sand dredging, filling and capping dam cells, con- structing the earthen section of the cofferdam and providing all the rock revetments for Lock and Dam 26; eighty percent of the river work, from dredging to rock placement, on the Kaskaskia Navigation Project; and excavating and placing three million cubic yards of fill including half-a-million tons of rock, 17,000 tons of filter gravel and 130,000 cu- bic yards of sand, as subcontractor on the $303-million Clarence Can- non Dam. The Luhr company has branch offices in Cape Girardeau, Mo. and Alexandria, La. It recently moved its headquarters from downtown Columbia to a modern complex out- side of town, on a 19-acre site over- looking the river valley. Besides a nyr / ohnson duramax* W MARINE PRODUCTS BACKED WITH TOTAL SERVICES — QUALITY ASSURANCE — EXPERIENCE EASE OF AVAILABILITY — PROVEN PERFORMANCE WATER LUBRICATED BEARINGS Sleeve and Flanged Types plus All-Rubber Demountable Stave Type — Full Range of Sizes. STUFFING BOXES RUBBER FENDERING Full range of Types and Sizes. Inflatable Air Seal Ring type seals around shaft during packing change without dry docking Tow Knees in three standard thicknesses - Various profiles of Fendering for vessel and docks. KEEL COOLERS 90-10 Cupro-Nickel Spiral Tube Coolers for maximum heat transfer - 4 to 24 tubes - single and double bank models. Send lor latest Catalogs. Dependable Johnson-Duramax Marine Products are Sold and Serviced Worldwide. DURAMAX MARINE division ol The Johnson Rubber Company A Subsidiary ol Duramax Inc. / Dependable Products For Ships Throughout The World ® T.M. Reg 6-2022-485 / Ml y I Teles / Depend ddlefield, OH 44062 Area Code: 216/632-1611 Telex 21-2564JRCM UR / Cable: •DURAMAX" CIRCLE 241 ON RSC CIRCLE 242 ON RSC CIRCLE 243 ON RSC CIRCLE 244 ON RSC Proved Engineering and Dependability stand behind the world's finest shipboard windows,windshield wipers and doors by... Sliding Window Crank-Operated Window Vk yjg. 4 Window Wiper and Fixed Window Kearfott products are quality constructed to meet requirements of A.B.S., U.S.C.G. and Navy standards. Kearfott windows and doors can be man- ufactured in various sizes, shapes and materials. Catalog showing complete line of marine products furnished upon request. Weathertight Door De-icing, Heated Window Hinged Portlight Clear View Screen Kearfott a division of The SI NC E R Company 550 S. Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, N.Y. 10550 Phone 914-664-6033 Telex 133440 Circle 113 on Reader Service Card 26,000-square-foot office building, there is a 25,000-square-foot main- tenance shop, a 13,300-square-foot warehouse, a welding and machine shop (that houses a 36-foot lathe the company bought recently to repair shafts), and a paint and clean shop. For more information and free lit- erature on Jeffboat, Incorporated, Circle 73 on Reader Service Card Envirovac Receives Contract To Equip Twelve U.S.C.G. Cutters Envirovac Systems, Rockford, 111., was recently awarded an initial con- tract to begin the renovation of toi- let systems on 12 high-endurance cutters as part of a major rehabilita- tion and modernization project by the U.S. Coast Guard. Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation, Seattle, Wash., who will handle eight of the cutters on the West Coast, and Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine, who will handle four cutters on the East Coast, are both involved in the proj- ect. At present, five of the 12 vessels are equipped with the Envirovac vacuum toilet system. On the ships now containing Envirovac equip- ment, the toilet system will be up- graded; mechanical equipment will be refurbished, 30 toilets will be replaced and 10 toilets added, and the control system modified to in- clude two new features. On those ships containing other equipment, the toilet system will be redesigned according to Envirovac specifica- tions and replaced with Envirovac equipment. The work is scheduled to begin this month and extend over a period of three years. Canadian Engineers To Hold MariTech '86 In Vancouver, June 5-7 The Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering is holding its annual convention in Vancouver at the Hol- iday Inn Harbourside on June 5, 6 and 7, 1986. This eighth annual meeting of Canada's marine engineers is being held in conjunction with the world's fair EXPO 86, and will complement the transportation theme of this world-scale exposition. The Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering is now assembling a program of international and Cana- dian papers on the theme of "Ma- rine Engineering . . . The Future?" and are interested in hearing from authors willing to present a paper on this subject. In addition to the A.G.M. and presentation of technical papers at MariTech 86, there will also be an exposition by manufacturers of their equipment and products. The convention will conclude with a dinner and dance. Saturday, June 7, will be MariTech day at EXPO 86. Inquiries should be directed to Peter Davies, Convention Chair- man, #10,1934 Barclay Street, Van- couver, B.C., Canada V6G 1L3. 24 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News