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Odfjell-Westfal-Larsen Relies On Lubricants and Marine Services * Texaco quality lubricants help insure efficient • Texaco rapid lubricant analysis program helps trouble-free operation. insure optimum engine performance. * Texaco prompt deliveries help insure that the * Texaco marine engineers provide on-the-spot most demanding sailing schedules are met. technical advice and assistance worldwide. Whether your ships operate in a specialized chemical trade like the O.W.L. M/V Bow Pioneer or carry some other demanding cargoes... Keep your ships at top performance with Texaco Marine Products and Services Available Worldwide. Texaco Inc. Texaco Ltd. International Marine Sales Dept. International Marine Sales Europe 2000 Westchester Ave. 1 Knightsbridge Green White Plains. NY 10650 London SW1X 7QJ Phone: (914) 253-4000 Phone: 01-584-5000 November, 1985 Circle 290 on Reader Service Card 23