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Aeroquip Offers Bulletin On International Fluid Connector Identification Selecting and installing the right hose or tube assembly requires ac- curate measurement and identifica- tion of ports, threads and connect- ors, which come in a wide variety of sizes and types. "How to Identify Fluid Connect- ors," Aeroquip Bulletin 5963, de- scribes the tools and simple meth- ods used to easily identify end con- nectors around the world. Ameri- can, German and French metric, British and Japanese connectors are also included in the convenient pocket size 36-page bulletin. The bulletin shows how to mea- sure threads and sealing surface an- gles and to match these measure- ments with dash and/or thread size charts. Specifically, some of the connect- ors included are: American—NPTF, NPSM, ORS® O-Ring Face Seal, SAE 37°; German—DIN 7631/7647 Series, DIN 3852, Form B Series; French—Millemetrique and GAZ Series; British—British Standard Pipe; and Japanese—JIS Tapered New Conceptual Designs for Product Oil Tankers Main Dimension Lbp x B x D x d(d) x d(s) 146.00 x 27.00 x 14.60 x 9.14 x 10.80 Deadweight at 10.80 m draught 27,250 MT Cargo Capacity 30.240M3 Main Engine B&W 6L60 MCE Specified MCR 7.400 bhp at 106 rpn vice Speed 14 0Knot$ 2—-IX UHwJ Main Dimension LbpxBxDxd(d)xd(s) 174 00x32.24x18 50 <11.28x13.50 M Deadweight at 13.50m draught 51.550 MT Cargo Capacity 57,000 M' Main Engine B&W 4L70 MCE Specified MCR 8.400 bhp at 82 rpm Service Speed ^ ".1 Kno^s Main Dimension LbpxBxDxd(d)xd(s) 218.00x32.24x20.20x11.88x15.08 M Deadweight at 15.08m draught 77,620 MT Cargo Capacity 8/.040M • Main Engine .... B&W 6L60MC Specified MCR 12,480 bhp at 111 rpn Service Speed 14 4 Knc Main Dimension LbpxBxDxd(d)xd(s) 237.00x42.67x20.60x12.19x14.50 M Deadweight at 14.50m draught 106.730 MT Cargo Capacity 121.130M1 Main Engine B&W 61./0MQ Specified MCR 16.980 bhp at 95 rpn Service Speed 14.8 Knof 106.730 Dwt Product/Crude Oil Tanker' • Mfc • ' i^fe —- ft T 6 Y • 1 (V - .-i •• Samsung has developed new concepts of the most economical tankers for shipowners to carry and handle product & crude oil. Our new designs include large, Panamax, handy and small-sized product/crude oil tankers. Samsung's Koje Shipyard is an ideal yard to build product oil tankers at the most competitive prices. Over the past five years, we delivered two 19,900dwt product/crude oil tankers and four 34,000dwt product oil/chemical tankers for leading world shipowners. Currently, we are building two27,200dwt and two 77,800dwt product oil tankers for Helmer Staubo, a 95,000dwt product/crude oil tanker for Caltex(Australia) and three 105,000dwt product/crude oil tankers for Nordstrom & Thulin. If you plan new product oil tankers, come to Sam- sung, the very yard that knows what product oil tankers should be. SHIPBUILDING DIVISION C1JT SAMSUNG SHIPBUILDING & Jill HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE: Samsung Main Bldg. 250. 2-Ka. Taepyong-ro. Chung-ku. Seoul. Korea, Tel: (Seoul) 752-8342, 8188, 753-8758, Telex: SHIC0 K23726, SSYARD K23306 KOJE SHIPYARD: 530, Jangpyung-h, Sinhyun-up. Koje-kun. Kyongsang Nam-do. Korea Tel: (Gohyun)2-2151/9. Telex: SSCYARD K52211. K52212, K52213 OVERSEAS BRANCHE 'LONDON T * 264606 STARS LG •DUSSELDORF T • 8586392 SAMD D 'NEW YORK Tlx 2"5"76 SAM JR .LOS ANGELES Tlx: 4720575 LASTAR LSA •TOKYO Tlx 2228463 SHITKY J'HONG KONG Tlx 83236 HSTAR HX "AL-KHOBAR Tlx 570708 Tlx 670708 SHKBR SJ'SYDNEY Tlx 71747 SAMSYD AA PT, JIS Parallel (Metric), and JIS Split Flange. For further information and a free copy of the bulletin, Circle 81 on Reader Service Card Bethlehem-Sparrows Point To Begin Work On Navy Ocean Survey Ships Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Sparrows Point shipyard near Balti- more has announced that it will begin work soon on the construction of two oceanographic survey ships (T-AGS) for the U.S. Navy. The recently awarded contract has a val- ue of approximately $130 million for both vessels. The project will start in early 1986 and build up to a work force level of 1,100 by the latter part of the year, continuing at that level through the third quarter of 1987. Currently, there are 1,200 em- ployees at the yard and 1,300 on layoff. The T-AGS ships were designed by the Sparrows Point yard's engi- neering department and M. Rosen- blatt & Son, Inc., naval architects and marine engineers headquar- tered in New York City. Each ship will have an overall length of 499 feet, beam of 72 feet, and depth of 51 feet. Delivery of the first ship will be in 30 months, with the second follow- ing four months later. New Chesterton Cartridge Seal Meets API 610 Specs —Literature Available The new Chesterton cartridge mounted single seal meets API 610 requirements and provides the hy- drocarbon process industry with an off-the-shelf, high-performance seal with capabilities usually found only in custom seals. The floating throttle bushing has very close clearance over the seal sleeve and provides security when sealing oil, oil distillates, light hy- drocarbons or hazardous fluids. The bushing also provides effective con- trol of quench water piped through the gland. The seal is rated for 700 psig (48 BAR), temperature to 550° F (290° C) and a surface speed of 4,000 ft/min (20 m/sec). The standard construction is 316 stainless steel with special alloys available on request. The cartridge design allows easy, precise installa- tion with gland accurately centered over the pump sleeve by a close fit- ting lock ring. The stationary seal ring is supported by a graphite cushion to minimize distortion at high pressures. The non-clogging ro- tary seal ring locates springs and drive lug out of pumped fluid. Chesterton is offering a free bulle- tin that gives complete information and a cutaway diagram of the seal. For a copy, Circle 25 on Reader Service Card 108 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Circle 113 on Reader Service Card