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Brown & Root Awarded Feasibility Study Contract For Chevron Offshore Unit Brown & Root International, Inc. has been awarded a contract for engineering feasibility studies re- lated to the development of Chev- ron U.S.A. Inc.'s Rocky Point Unit drilling and production platform offshore California. Chevron and partners Phillips Petroleum and Champlin Oil are considering installation of a fixed platform in 300 feet of water off- shore Point Arguello. The platform would be designed to support drill- ing and production of oil and gas. Brown & Root will perform the conceptual studies from its engi- neering office at San Ramon, Calif. As the home of Brown & Root's West Coast design operations, the San Ramon facility also serves as the base for power generation, pe- troleum and chemical, and other land-based industrial engineering services. Brown & Root International is a subsidiary of Brown & Root, Inc. of Houston, a Halliburton company. Congressional Maritime Caucus Establishes An Advisory Board The Congressional Maritime Cau- cus has created an Advisory Board made up of industry and Executive Branch leaders to prepare an "ac- tion plan" aimed at stimulating leg- islative and regulatory initiatives to revitalize the American merchant marine. The Caucus, consisting of 72 members of the House of Represen- tatives, was formed earlier this year and is headed by Rep. Walter B. Jones, chairman of the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee. Vice chairmen are Rep. Glenn M. Anderson and Rep. William Carney. Influential members of the Caucus include House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill Jr.; Majority Leader James C. Wright; and Minority Whip Trent Lott. The 15 industry officials invited to serve on the Advisory Board are: Joseph F. Abely Jr., chairman and CEO, Sea-Land Corporation; W. James Amoss Jr., president and CEO, Lykes Bros. Steamship Company; J. Ronald Brinson, president, American Association of Port Authorities; Jesse M. Cal- hoon, president, National Marine Engineers Beneficial Association; John C. Couch, president, Matson Navigation Company; Thomas B. Crowley, president, Crowley Mari- time Corporation; Frank Drozak, president, Seafarers International Union; Conrad Everhard, chair- man, Dart Orient Services; Rob- ert J. Frulla, president, Freight Forwarders Institute; D. Ward Fuller, president and CEO, Ameri- can Steamship Company; John T. Gilbride, chairman, Todd Ship- yards Corporation; Brian Harri- son, president, Metropolitan Steve- dore Company; Raymond M. McKay, president, Marine Engi- neers Beneficial Association, Dis- trict II: W. Bruce Seaton, presi- dent and CEO, American President Lines; and Martin Seham, Se- ham, Klein & Zelman. Five other individuals have been invited to participate as observers, to "contribute a sense of purpose on behalf of the U.S. merchant ma- rine." They are: Herbert Brand, chairman, Board of Trustees, Transportation Institute; Elizabeth F. Jones, edi- tor, News Briefs; Drew Lewis, chairman, Warner Amex and former Secretary of Transportation; George H. Miller, USN (Ret.), Transportation Institute; and Emanuel Rouvelas, Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis & Holman. The leaders of the various indus- try segments are to draft a proposed national maritime policy "as it would apply to that segment" for presentation at a meeting of all Ad- visory Board members and observ- ers on November 13, 1985. The pro- posals are to be reviewed so that by February 13, 1986 at a meeting of Administration officials, industry advisers and the observers, the pro- posals can be merged into a "work- ing national maritime policy pro- posal" that can be presented to the Congressional Maritime Caucus. Fi- nalized proposals are scheduled to be taken to the Caucus on March 4, 1986 for its consideration. M.A.N.-B&W Diesel - Alpha Diesel, 15 Niels Juelsvej, DK-9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark Phone + 45 8 42 10 00, Telex 67 115 ALPHA DK Agencies: EARLE INDUSTRIES LTD. (709) 576 4058 JAYMAR DIESEL LTD. (902) 627 2303 M.A.N. GHH (CANADA) INC (514) 694 3000 Worldwide service Circle 111 on Reader Service Card September 15, 1985 15