Matson Asks Bids
On $30 Million
Conversion of 'Matsonia'
Matson Navigation Company has
sent invitations, to selected ship-
yards on the three U.S. coasts, to
bid on conversion of the roll-on/roll-
off trailer ship Matsonia to a combi-
nation RO/RO and lift-on/lift-off
container carrier for the West
Coast-Hawaii trade.
This followed a preliminary in-
quiry by Matson to shipyards
around the country to determine
which yards have the capability to
handle the job that will enlarge,
widen and lengthen the vessel and
nearly triple its cargo capacity.
"The additional lift capacity is
being added to accommodate pro-
jected cargo needs of the State of
Hawaii," said C.B. Mulholland,
senior vice president-freight divi-
sion. "The unique cargo characteris-
tics of the converted Matsonia, with
its combination carriage, will pro-
vide Hawaii shippers with a highly
flexible and efficient means of mov-
ing their goods," he added.
Quotations for the project are ex-
pected to range between $30 million
to $35 million, according to Arthur
J. Haskell, senior vice president-
engineering and marine operations.
Matson plans to award the con-
tract before the end of the year. The
completed vessel, lengthened to 756
feet by removal of 291Vi feet of the
existing midbody and replacement
with a 347 V2-foot new section, is
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