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Nurnbc MARITIME REP( DELIVERS YOUR ADV! MARINE BUYERS THAN \ ANY OTHER TWO MARINE in 1985, MARITIME REPORTER'S total circulation increased again to a record < 24,505 copies every time. i This entire increase consisted of only Buying influence Readers, MARITIME ' REPORTER now delivers your advertising to an unequalled 21,609 buying I influence readers ... thousands more than any other Marine magazine in the i WORLD'S LARGEST CIRCULATION TO BUYERS RECORD SALES LEA Now, MARITIME REPORTER delivers your advertising to 21,609 identifi- able buyers... more than any two of the other magazines combined. MARITIME REPORTER produces more a other Marine magazine...two times ar number 2 magazine. Each figure listec for an individual advertiser by MARITIIV DECEMBER 1984 FIGURES BUYERS • MARITIME REPORTER 20.805 88% ME Log 14,740 58.7% WATERWAYS JOURNAL 2,347 34.2% THE WORK BOAT ? I NON-BUYERS AND 2,782 UNIDENTIFIABLE 12% MIXED GROUPS 10,345 41.3% 4,526 65.8% ? Total Circ. Total Circ. Total Circ. Total Circ. 23,587 25,108 6,873 13,348 work Boat does not report titles of all readers. Presidents, vice presidents. Treasurers, Purchasing Agents, etc. impossible to identify numoer of Buyers reached Paints/Corrosion Control 1,033 714 655 Shipbuilding/Repair Navig; 2,147 613 570 Deck Machinery/ Cargo Handling 545 415 477 NEW—June 1985 - MARITIME REPORTER'S total circulation increased to 24,305 including a record 21,609 Buying Influence Readers. THE ONLY COMPLETE COVERAGE OF MARINE BUYERS