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CLASSIFIED AND EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING HOW TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Mail clearly written or typed copy to: MARITIME REPORTER, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Include any photos, drawings or logos if required. Specify size of ad and number of insertions Classified Advertising — Per Issue Rate: Classified advertising is sold at a rate of $70 per column inch ... MARITIME REPORTER'S classified section carries more advertising and sells more products than any other publication in the marine industry. MARITIME REPORTER is published the 1 st and 15th of each month. Closing date for classified advertising is 20 days prior to the date of the issue. For further details contact John C, O'Malley at (212) 477-6700. Send all advertising material to MARITIME REPORTER and Engineering News, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. HYDRAULICS m^rjTimE mFuiTBFS PORT ENGINEERS American Systems Engineering Corpora- tion has openings for experienced Port Engineers. Our Port Engineers maintain selected U. S. Navy ships in a Phased Maintenance Program. Applicantsshould bedegreed Marine En- gineers holding USCG Engineer's Li- cense. U.S. citizenship is required. Send resume and salary requirements to: American Systems Engineering Corporation P.O. Box 4265 Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0265 MARINE ENGINEERS New York Maritime College Training Ship EMPIRE STATE has openings for several Full Time Engi- neers. License required. Range from third assistant to Chief Engineer Steam Vessels, any horse power Salary commensurate with experience and position ($22-$40,000). Ship deployed two months each summer. Remainder of time at college pier. Send resume with 3 references to: Marjorie Stewart Per- sonnel Associate, SUNY Maritime College. Fort Schuyler, Bronx, NY 10465. For additional informa- tion call 212-409-7301 SUNY is an EO/AA Employer SALES MANAGER SEEKS POSITION Sales Manager, 20 years experience within U.S. Maritime/Offshore Industries. Strong contacts on shipyard, operational and M&R levels. Established technique for sales to U.S. Navy, Marad and M.S.C. Presently residing U.S. Gulf. Willing to travel. Resume upon request Reply Box 802, Maritime Reporter, 118 East 25th Street, New York 10010 MARINE DRAFTSPERSON for small design office. Min. 5 yrs. marine drafting exp. required with steel and fiberglass vessels. Send resumes to: James S. Krogen & Co., Inc., 1515 N.W. South River Dr., Miami, FL 33125. SERVICE • REPAIR • PARTS CONSULTING • DESIGN CUNNINGHAM MARINE HYDRAULICS CO., INC. 201 Harrison St. • Hoboken, N.J. 07030 (201) 792 0500 (212) 267 0328 2030 E. Adams St. •Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 354 0840 TWX 710-730-5224 CMH Hoboken, NJ WINCHES—Steam or Air Operated Stock less Anchors 3,000 lbs. through 27,500 lbs in stock, FOB Jersey City Large inventory of surplus chain and fittings Supply of new chain, including ten shots of 2 5 16" and twenty shots of 2 5 8" 9x12 American Hoist & Derrick Winches, reconditioned equal to new Spare parts for all steam winches STANDARD STEAM WINCH CO., INC. Agents for The Crosby Group 191 Van Vorst St., Jersey City, N.J. 07032 201/433-6974 FOR SALE RIVER BARGES (11 ) Open Hopper Container Barges, Maxon Ma- rine, 213' x 52'6" x 12'6", steel, 1121 Gross Tons, w/2" submersible pump. Classed as A-1 Barge, river service. Capable of carrying 90 8' x 30' con- tainers. Easily converted to carry 20' or 40' con- tainers. Located Texas/West Virginia GANTRY CRANE Drott 1000A1, 30-ton cap., rubber-tired, 205 hp Cummins Diesel Hydraulic Power Unit. Capable of stacking 4 containers high 6 across plus one truck lane. Two min. cycle time. Overall length 84'9%". Located New Jersey For further information and/or inspection con- tact Trudi Palmer, (304) 747-3253, TLX 885444. BROKERS OF MARINE TALENT 2200 6th Avenue SeBttle. WA 9S1S1 |3Q6] 343-3307 WATERTIGHT DOORS IN STOCK L w. l SIZES 26"x48" 26"x60" 26"X66" r/1c„ c 30"X60 Frame - 1/4" Panel STEEL DOGS meet Coast Gi.aVrt , S,eel pla,e an" aec.asSS w?ec?TAIM ^ bronze bushed. Built to ABS " d0flS 3re LEVER OPERATED OR WHEEL OPERATED DOORS AVAILABLE Wheel Operated 26"x48" Lever Wheel Operated Operated 26"x66" 30"x60" NEW 7" RADIUS PANAMA CHOCKS (MEET PANAMA REGULATIONS) 14" « 10" CLEAR OPENING With extended legs for welding to deck 14" wide on base - length 28" height 27%". IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. ALSO 12" x 10" IN STOCK 6 New Panama Chocks, 18x22, for up to approx. 90,000 ton San Clemente Class U.S. tankers. THE BOSTON METALS COMPANY 313 E. Baltimore St. Marine Warehouse TWX: 710-234-1637 Baltimore. Md. 21202 (301)752-1077 Prote TIMBER AND STEEL MARINE PILINGS WITH PILE-GARD® A patented encapsulation system provides an alternative to expensive pile replacement and costly down- time caused by marine borer damage to timber and corrosion to steel piling. Call for complete literature TOLL FREE 1-800-241-0240 Pile-Card |1 OSMOSE MARINE DIVISION P.O. DRAWER 0 • GRIFFIN, GA 30224 46 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News