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rONE IRTER ALONE ERTISING TO MORE OU CAN REACH USING MAGAZINES COMBINED itire world ... and, more than any other two marine magazines combined. t one cost, MARITIME REPORTER alone delivers more buyers than you can ;ach using any other two marine magazines at two costs. ere is complete and unmatched coverage of your entire marine buying larket. . . for maximum marine sales in '85 and '86. DS FROM ADS d better sales leads than any p three times more than the represents inquiries produced E REPORTER in one year or less. THE ADVERTISING LEADER In 1984, and for years, more media buyers placed more pages of adver- tising, for a larger number of advertisers, in MR than in No. 2 ME/Log. Diesel Engines 1,352 1,337 1,168 tion & Communications 773 663 623 Oily Water Separators 936 751 459 Display ad pages COMPARE 1984 ADVERTISING Total ad pages MR MR 1,450 1,556 ME/Log 953 ME/Log 999 Note — shows only magazine advertising 13 ME/Log issues — 24 MR issues ... no catalogs, buyers guides, etc. Ad pages reported in 7" x 10" units for comparision. MR clearly leads by a wide margin in advertiser acceptance. FOR MAXIMUM MARINE SALES MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS 118 East 25th street New York, New York 10010 (212) 477-6700