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Offshore Europe Stahl (continued) manager, Occidental Petroleum (Caledonia) Ltd., will comprise three papers and a 45-minute forum led by the chairmen and speakers. The nine-paper Inspection and Maintenance session that follows will be chaired jointly by Confer- ence Committee chairman J. Hol- lis, technical manager, Britoil Pic; and T. Ridley, head of operations- Brent Field, Shell UK Exploration & Production. The final session of the confer- ence on September 13 will look to the future with its seven papers under a heading of Innovative Field Development. Joint chairmen for this session are C. Friedlander, engineering manager, Conoco (UK) Ltd., and D. Wootton, engineering director, Phillips Petroleum Com- pany UK Ltd. Papers will be delivered by au- thors from nine countries—Austra- lia, Denmark, Dubai, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the U.K., and the U.S. The final of the SPE Aberdeen Chapter's Stu- dent Paper Contest will once again be held at the Offshore Europe Con- ference. Conference Program Tuesday, September 10 Conference Room One Subsea Systems Chairmen: L.V. McGuire, general manager, Hamilton Brothers o^ tot ' " on1 n\ rv ' THE AMERICAN WATERWAYS OPERATORS. INC. Circle 310 on Reader Service Card THE GREATEST ESCAPE Now in the United States brought to you by Viking Life-Saving Equipment (America), Inc. Finally - a complete Davit Launching system with USCG approved inflatable liferafts for 12, 16, 20 and 25 person capacity, a new USCG approved stainless steel automatic release hook, and a choice of USCG approved Davits. A system without the added expense of boarding and operating ramps. A system with a choice of fixed, slewing or luffing type Davits, a system with totally watertight liferaft containers for prolonged life, and a system that allows float free or throw-over capability. When it comes to packages, we offer the latest in technology, space-saving and least expensive ideas for escape. Viking Life-Saving Equipment (America), Inc. 3305 N.W. 37 Street, Miami, Fla. 33142 Phone: (305) 638-3300, Telex: 52 2899 (viking usa mia) Cable: VIKINGUSA Circle 212 on Reader Service Card Oil & Gas Ltd.; and P. Mar- quez, supervision operations engineer, Murchinson, Conoco (UK) Ltd. 11:00 am: "Overview of the Texaco Highlander Field Development," by G.D. Smith, Fluor Ocean Services; and G.H. Batcheler, Texaco North Sea UK Company. 11:30 am: "An Integrated Subsea 011 Production System for the Dun- can/Argyll Fields in the North Sea," by I.C. Fitzsimmons, R.J. Brown & Associates (UK) Ltd. 12 noon: "Diverless Installation of the Skuld Modular Subsea Station," by M. Freudenreich, Elf Aqui- taine Norge a/s. 12:30 pm: "New Technology for Development of Deepwater Off- shore Gas Fields," by K. Varvin and L-P Sollie, Norsk Hydro a/s. 1:00 pm: Lunch. 2:30 pm: "Development of a Sub- sea Wireline Winch," by J.A. Graser, Somus Well Services. 3:00 pm: "The British Argyll DSV Wirelining System," by D.S. Hu- ber, Hamilton Brothers Oil & Gas Ltd.; W. Turner, Otis Pressure Control Ltd.; and C. Baxter, Ad- vanced Production Technology Ltd./BUE/KD Marine Group. 3:30 pm: Coffee break. 3:45 pm: "Through-bore Subsea Production Trees," by D.S. Huber and G.F.C. Simmers, Hamilton Brothers Oil & Gas Ltd.; and C.S. Johnson, The National Supply (UK) Ltd. 4:15 pm: "Operational Experience with a Long-Range, Multi-Channel, Acoustic Telemetry System for In- Field Pressure Monitoring," by G. High, Ferranti ORE Ltd.; and 'R.J. Carmen, Ferranti ORE Inc. 4:45 pm: Conclusion of session. Wednesday, September 11 Conference Room One Reservoir Management Chairmen: J.J. Gilbert, manager- petroleum engineering, BP Pe- troleum Development Ltd.; and R. Hough, head of petroleum & operational engineering, Shell UK Exploration & Pro- duction Ltd. 9:30 am: "Factors Controlling the Activities of Sulphate-reducing Bacteria in Reservoirs during Water Injection," by Dr. B.N. Herbert and Dr. H. Stockdale, Shell Re- search Ltd. 10:00 am: "Use of Reservoir Engi- neering in the Development of the Magnus Oil Reservoir," by J.P. At- kinson, BP Petroleum Develop- ment Ltd. 10:30 am: "Magnus Field: Surface Stimulation of Water Injection Wells," by P.F. Dymond, BP Pe- troleum Development Ltd. 11:00 am: "Statistically Valid Log Analysis Method Improves Reser- voir Description," by B. Moss and R. Harrison, Scientific Software- Intercomp (UK) Ltd. 11:30 am: Coffee break. 11:45 am: "Probabilistic Hydro- carbon Reserves Evaluation: A Novel Monte Carlo Approach," by P. Behrenbruch, G.J. Turner, and A. R. Backhouse, Woodside Offshore Petroleum Pty Ltd. 12:15 pm: "Totally Integrated Data Acquisition & Processing dur- ing Well Testing—A Case Study 18 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News