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tion and communications equip- ment for every class of vessel, from harbor tugs to the largest oceango- ing ships. In radar, the company offers a full line of systems, including 12- and 16-inch X and S band units, the new FR-800D series of digital rasterscan radars, 7- and 10-inch display stan- dard analog radars, 14-inch CRT color radars, plus a 14-inch color radar interfaced with Loran or sat- nav that presents full-color radar and plotting information overlaid on the same CRT at the same scale. Furuno also offers an extremely broad range of echosounders. Re- corders are available with paper widths from four to eight inches at output power up to 1,000 watts. One unit, the FE-880, meets all current IMO standards for navigational sounders, and may be interfaced to optional depth alarm and remote digital display. A line of color video sounders is also available. For the specialized needs of dredging, hydrographic survey, and general research, Furuno has the SL-27 side-looking sonar and CI-30 current indicator that displays speed and direction of the current at three different operator-selectable depths. The company also has an exten- sive line of navigational equipment, including Loran, satnav, and Omega receivers, a variety of paper and vid- eo plotters, several ADFs, and com- pletely automatic weatberfax re- ceivers with either 10- or 14-inch paper widths. Furuno also offers both VHF and SSB communica- tions systems. Circle 62 on Reader Service Card HARRIS Harris RF Communications of Rochester, N.Y., offers a full line of HF/SSB radio products designed specifically for the marine industry. The most recent additions to the product line are the RF-7100-05 adaptive communications system and the RF-3466 high-speed HF data modem. The former is a micro- processor-controlled HF radio set designed to provide automatic HF line establishment. It consists of the RF-711 adaptive controller (Auto- link®) and the RF-230 transceiver. The Autolink system automatically tests and chooses the best propagat- ing channel, resulting in automatic link establishment and reduced operator skill requirements. The RF-7100-05 system can be config- ured for a variety of HF communi- cations applications, including point-to-point and computer-con- trolled frequency management sys- tems. The RF-3466 high-speed HF data modem is designed to combat the anomalies of ionospheric propaga- tion that limit the rates at which data may be passed over on HF radio link. Harris is a leader in advanced HF communications technology, pro- viding customized HF computer- controlled systems for on-board management, drill rig daily report- ing, and exploration data transfer. These systems are an economic al- ternative to fulfilling routine HF communications needs. The RF-2331 series ARQ systems, for example, is an advanced, auto- matic error-correcting HF teletype- writer system, designed for easy channelized marine telex and data operation. Simplex operation is pro- vided by a high-speed antenna switch, permitting use of a single antenna for transmitting and receiv- ing. The RF-536 scan control ex- tends the capability of the RF-2331 ARQ system by providing channel scan for the RF-530 receiver. This system is especially advantageous aboard ships, as it allows a single operator to monitor a large number of shore station frequencies, allow- ing fully automatic operation. Harris also manufactures the RF- 230 series HF/SSB transceivers for shipboard and limited coast shore applications. This series includes the RF-230M, 125-watt synthesized HF/SSB transceivers, and the RF- 230RC/M(RC), 125-watt snythe- (continued on page 20) treasons „ to use out toU'tree number i. 2. FIRETEST™ 80-32 JOINER PANELS?., are lightweight and won't wick water. And, 4' x 8' panels are laminated right in our own plant, to keep orders mov- ing fast. THE COMPLETE JOINER SYSTEM* Your choice of laminate surface ...laminated to our 80-32 core, in our plant ...installed in our joiner system... with our service support. You always know who to call. STEEL MARINE DOORS AND FRAMES* Purchased, shipped and invoiced from the same source as .your joiner panels. An easy-to-coordinate way to save time. MARINE FURNITURE Handsome, functional and easy to install. Solid 5/4 mahogany bunks, desks, and wardrobes. \ A COMPLETE INTERIORS 5 PACKAGE... • offering laminate doors, frames, panels, toilet compart- ments, and more, for non-certified construction. All with one phone call. . FAST NATIONWIDE P* AVAILABILITY 5 Regional Operations Centers — on the East Coast, West Coast, Gulf Coast and North Coast — are close to marine vessels, everywhere. 7 OUR REPUTATION. [• for on-time delivery. Quality products. Money-saving installation and maintenance. [LIFE'S TOO SHORT... # to worry about product dependability and supplier accountability. It's easy to get fast answers to marine interiors problems. Just make a call today...on our dime. 1-800-241-7533 HI COMMERCIAL DIVISION MA50NITE MARINE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT corporation 1721 Marjetta Blvd. N.W. Atlanta, GA. 30318 (404) 355-1980 TELEX - 804292 * Meets U.S. Coast Guard B-15 requirements for Class A-60. A-30 and A-15 construction. Circle 323 on Reader Sen/ice Card May 15, 1985 19