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Special Docks Merchant fleets have been using GHH floating drydocks for the maintenance and repair of their ships for more than 100 years, but our supply range includes also special- purpose structures for the docking of Navy ships to cope with the inherent most complex requirements in this sector. High-lift special bilge blocks safely take care of the ship's hull; the propeller, rudder, stabilizers and the sonar dome are accommodated for easy access, so that the overhaul of these high-power vessels in a minimum of time does not present any problems. Your partners are highly experienced GHH engineers - starting at the kick-off meeting, and right through to commission- ing, trial-docking, and hand-over of the dock. UNTERNEHMENSBEREICH GHH STERKRHDE American M.A.N. Corporation 50 Broadwav - 18th Floor New York, NY 10004 American M.A.N. Corporation West Coast Office 303 Hegenberger Road Suite 402 Oakland, CA 94621 Circle 110 on Reader Service Card