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Numb MARITIME REPOI THE LARGEST INCREASE IN IN MARINE PURI in 1984, MARITIME REPORTER'S total circulation increased by thousands to a record 23.525 copies every issue. This entire increase consisted of only Buying influence Readers, MARITIME REPORTER now delivers your advertising to an unequalled 20,901 buying influence readers... WORLD S LARGEST CIRCULATION TO BUYERS THE BEST ADVE Now, MARITIME REPORTER delivers youradvertising to 20,901 identifiable buyers...over twice the number2 magazine. MARITIME REPORTER produces i other Marine magazine...two ti number 2 magazine. Each figur for an individual advertiser by N BUYERS • MARITIME REPORTER 20,901 89% ME Log 10,120 40.6°° WATERWAYS JOURNAL 2,646 36°° THE WORKBOAT ? « NON-BUYERS AND 2,492 UNIDENTIFIABLE 11% MIXED GROUPS ^ Total Circ. 23,393 14,803 59.4% Total Circ. 24,923 4,688 64°° Total Circ. 7,334 ? work Boat does not report titles of all readers, Presidents, Vice presidents, Treasurers, Purchasing Agents, etc. impossible to identify number of buyers reached. Paints/Corrosion Control 756 657 655 Shipbuilding/Repair I 2,147 613 547 Deck Machinery/ Cargo Handling 523 419 395 THOUSANDS MORE BUYERS . . . FOR Bl 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News