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THE SYNCROLIFT: One Idea fThat Will Carry a Lot Of Weig * TiiiT Todd Shipyards Corporation One State Street Plaza, New York, N.Y, 10004 Tel: (212) 668-4700 Cable: "Robin" New York LOS ANGELES/SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS/GALVESTON lb . •—' - TODD L.A.'s Syncrolift: The World's Largest Shiplift and Land Level Ship Transfer Facility. Ready to Provide the U.S. Navy with Fast, Cost-Effective New Construction, Repair and Overhaul of AO at 2:15 p.m. on the same day, closing on Friday, November 9, at about 3:00 pm. Delegates are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the Conference program; as at all pre- vious meetings in the series, pre- prints of the Conference papers are mailed to registered delegates well in advance of the meeting. Conference Program Tuesday, November 6 Session 1: World Gas Supplies. Chairman: Dr. George H.B. Ver- berg, director-general for energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands. 2:15 pm—Opening remarks by Dr. Verdberg. 2:30 pm—"Natural Gas Supplies in the World Energy Market," by A. Grotens, president, NV Neder- landse Gasunie, Groningen, Nether- lands. 3:00 pm—"World Gas Reserves and Availability," by J.T. Jensen, J.T. Jensen Associates Inc., Boston. 3:30 pm—Coffee break. 4:00 pm—"The West European Gas Gamble: An Oligopoly versus a Monopsony," by O. Noreng, Insti- tute of Energy Policy, Norwegian School of Management, Bekkestua, Norway. 4:30 pm—"LNG Pricing: Past, Present, and Future," by G.D. Car- ameros Jr., International Gas De- velopment Corporation B.V., Hous- ton. 5:00 pm—"Offshore Gas Utilization in Norway, Argentina, and Malay- sia," by W. Prewo, Deutsche An- lagen Leasing Service Gmbh, Mu- nich, Germany; and F.W. Heir- hofF, Wirtschaftsvereingung Indus- trielle Meerestechnik e V., Dussel- dorf, Germany. 6-8 pm—Gastech Welcome Party in the RAI Halls for all delegates and exhibitors. Wednesday, November 7 Session 2: LPG Production and Trade. Note: This is an all-day session, starting at 9:00 am. There will be a break for the Delegates' Luncheon from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Co-chairmen: Dr. Youcef Yousfi, deputy general manager, Sonatrach, Algiers, Alger- ia; and Michael Tusiani, Chair- man, Poten and Partners, Inc., New York. Speakers: "Pricing Issues: LPG versus Refined Products," by A.H. A1 Roumi, ex- ecutive assistant managing director- sales, Eastern Hemisphere, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Safat, Ku- wait. "Trends in Gas Shipping Arrange- ments," by D.J. Bibby, chairman, Bibby Bros. & Company, Liverpool, U.K. "European Gas Terminals and In- land Distribution Systems," by J.H. de Sola, managing director-supply and trading, Shell Nederland Ver- koopmaatschappij, Rotterdam. "Prospects for LPG as an Industrial Fuel in Japan," by T. Nakazawa, deputy general manager, Overseas Operations Department, Idemitsu Kosan Company, Ltd., Tokyo. "Marketing Channels for North Sea LPG," by J.E. Sandvik, senior vice president-refining and market- ing, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway. "The Value of LPG as Ethylene Feedstock," by T.H. Walthie, di- rector-feedstock supply, Dow Chemical Europe SA, Horgen, Switzerland. Panelists: O. Shaban, manager-International Trade Division, General Petroleum and Mineral Organisation (Petrom- in), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. E. Al-Mutawa, acting head-mar- keting and transportation, Qatar General Petroleum Corporation, Doha, Qatar. F. Anderiz Cebrian, director, LPG Supply Department, Butano, S.A., Madrid. J.L. Dupay, vice president-LPG trading, Contichem Division of Con- tinental Grain Company, New York. M.K. Faid, manager-gas exports, Sonatrach, Algiers, Algeria. S. Hamada, LPG coordinator, Gas Department, Mitsubishi Corpora- tion, Tokyo. M.C. Hoare, manager-LPG, BP Gas Limited, London. B.W. Kim, president, Jungwoo En- ergy Company, Ltd., Seoul, Korea. M. Martinez Kahn, manager- LPG and petroleum products ex- ports, Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexico City. D. McCoy, LPG manager, Exxon International Company, Florham, Park, N.J. H. Monteiro da Silva Porto, deputy general manager-petroleum products, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Rio De Janeiro. K.J. Vaughan, general manager- LPG trading and land pipelines, British National Oil Corporation, London. Wednesday, November 7 Session 3: Safety and Training. Workshop Session in Glass Hall. Chairman: D.R. Tucker, consul- tant, Merseyside, U.K. 11:30 am—"A Safety Review of Ships for Liquefied Gases and Fu- (continued on page 20) October 15, 1984 19