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International Ship Structure Symposium '84 Arlington, Va. October 15-16 The International Ship Structure Symposium '84 (SSS 84) will be held October 15-16 at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, Va. Sponsored jointly by the interagen- cy Ship Structure Committee and The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, this is the fourth in a series of symposia sponsored by these two organizations. The first three were the highly successful Ship Structure Symposium in 1975, the Ship Vibration Symposium in 1978, and the Extreme Loads Re- sponse Symposium in 1981. The Ship Structure Committee is the standing U.S. interagency com- mittee charged with conducting a research program to improve the design, materials, and construction of ships and marine structures. The member agencies are the Coast Guard, the Naval Sea Systems Com- mand, the Military Sealift Com- mand, the Maritime Administra- tion, the American Bureau of Ship- ping, and the Minerals Management Service. The purpose of SSS 84 is to bring together representatives of the mar- itime community, including ship- owners, operators, builders, design- ers, researchers, government, and classification societies to discuss re- cent developments in ship structur- al design. The program will cover a range of topics including load defi- nition, reliability, ice-capable tank- ers, ultimate strength, CAD/CAM tools, fracture mechanics, corrosion fatigue, and productivity. In recent years there has been considerable state-of-the-art improvement in these areas, and as always, there remains much to be accomplished. It is timely that the available tech- nology be exposed and discussed in an open forum. The preregistration fee is $170 per person; registration at the sym- posium will be $190. This covers admittance to all technical sessions as well as a reception on Sunday evening, October 14, coffee during the technical sessions, luncheons on Monday and Tuesday, and the re- ception/banquet on Monday eve- ning. The fee also covers a bound copy of the symposium papers and a second bound volume of the discus- sions after the symposium. The main speaker at the banquet will be RADM William M. (Mike) Benkert, USCG (Ret.), who has had and continues to have a colorful career in various positions within the maritime community. SSS 84 is being dedicated to Professor Emeri- tus J. Harvey Evans, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, who has spent many years teaching, writing on, and researching the structure of ships. He will speak at Monday's luncheon. TECHNICAL PROGRAM Monday, October 15 Welcome by John S. Spencer, SSS 84 general chairman, chief, Structures and Loadline Section, U.S. Coast Guard; RADM Clyde T. Lusk Jr., USCG (Ret.), chairman, Ship Structure Committee; and C. Larry French, president, SNAME, chairman, National Steel and Shipbuilding Company. Session I Moderator: S.G. Stiansen, Ameri- can Bureau of Shipping. "A Review of Ship Structure Com- mittee Activities 1975-84," by LCDR D.B. Anderson, USCG; J.B. O' Brien, Department of the Navy; and R.W. Rumke, National Academy of Sciences. "A Time-Domain Simulation Meth- od for Ship Motion and Load Pre- diction," by Paul R. Van Mater, Julio G. Giannotti, and James C. Oliver III, Gianotti and Asso- ciates, Inc. Session II Moderator: P.M. Palermo, De- partment of the Navy. "An Approximate Method for Esti- mating the Collapse of a Ship's Hull in Preliminary Design," by Dr. J.C. Adamchak, David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center. "Models for the Design of Damage- Tolerant Structural Systems," by J. Shupe, Prof. F. Mistree, and Prof. R.H. Allen, University of Houston. Session III Moderator: J.B. Gregory, Miner- als Management Service. "Reliability of Structural Systems," by Prof. A.H. Ang, University of Illinois, and Prof. R.M. Bennett, University of Tennessee. "Hull Girder Reliability," by Dr. G. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Sunday, October 14 6:00-8:00 pm—Early Bird Registra- tion and Reception Monday, October 15 8:00 am-6:00 pm—Registration 8:30 am—Welcome and Introduc- tion 8:45 am—Session I 10:45 am—Session II 12:15 pm—Luncheon 1:45 pm—Session III 3:45 pm—Session IV 5:30 pm—Cash Bar 7:00 pm—Banquet Tuesday, October 16 8:00 am-3:00 pm—Registration 8:00 am—Session V 10:45 am—Session VI 12:15—Luncheon 1:30 pm—Session VII 3:45 pm—Adjournment All sessions except luncheons will be held in the South Ballroom. Ferro and D. Cervetto, Registro Italiano Navale. Session IV Moderator: CAPT A.E. Henn, USCG. "Fracture Mechanics Based Assess- ment of Fatigue Reliability in Ship Structures," by Dr. A. Thayam- balli, Dr. Y.K. Chen, and Dr. D. Liu, American Bureau of Shipping. "Long-Term Corrosion Fatigue of Welded Marine Steels," by Dr. O.H. Burnside and Dr. S.J. Hudak Jr., Southwest Research Institute, (continued on page 12) Dont put up with a leaker! Self-lubricating nylon bearings: no metal-to- metal contact for better wear resistance. Simple 2-screw- adjustment packing gland is easy to repack The packing gland on this PHOENIX Super-Search- lite™ fixture keeps water out of the pilot house. It's watertight to begin with. And easy to keep that way, because you can adjust or re- pack it anytime. Without pulling the head and shaft. That's remarkable enough, but there's more. Just check these other features that make PHOENIX a valuable hand on deck: Nylon bearings; self-locking elevation control; quick- clamped access door Stainless-steel, quick-lock clamps on access door for easy re-lamping underway Self-locking eleva- tion twist-lever and wheel controls stay where you put them. PHOENIX. The searchlight that works as hard as you do. It's no leaker. 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