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NOIA it UNITED WE STAND 99 - A Call To Membership In The National Ocean Industries Association Charles P. Siess, Jr.* The collective voice of all Amer- ican companies directly and indi- rectly involved in ocean-related industry, especially offshore en- ergy, must be broadened for this voice to become stronger in Wash- ington and in our state capitols. Here is where the crucial decisions are being made about the devel- opment of our offshore resources. The need is greatest for a stronger voice and increased participation from those many inland-based companies who are involved in off- shore energy development. For without this stronger voice, legis- lation and regulation will further needlessly limit development of one of America's most important ocean resources—our vast Outer Continental Shelf energy potential, (continued on page 34) **, . I j* -. i "* ' it'" ». #5"Wrer**we*- A tour of any offshore drilling rig or production platform illus- trates how many U.S. companies, representing different industries from all parts of the country, par- ticipate in offshore energy explo- ration and production. From the bridge to the engine room, you see one manufacturer's nameplate after another. Diesel engines manufactured near the Great Lakes provide hor- sepower. Electronics gear from California and Massachusetts pro- vides guidance and controls. High- pressure hoses made in Kansas safely carry fluids that are the rig's life blood. Wire ropes from factories in New England lift sup- plies aboard. Not as visible are the many specialized lubricants, seals and bearings that play vital roles. Equally invisible, but just as vital, are the many products and com- ponents from upstream suppliers and vendors that are already in- corporated as components in each system or piece of equipment on board. Even before a rig or platform is launched, welding machines and welding supplies from the Mid- west are used in large quantities during fabrication. So are thou- sands of tons of fabricated steel and hundreds of thousands of fas- teners of all types. Once on location, literally hundreds of companies support each offshore installation: crew and supply boats from shore basis . . . helicopter services . . . environ- mental controls . . . safety equip- ment. Every offshore location is concrete proof of American indus- try's broad involvement in off- shore oil and gas. The same far-reaching and di- verse participation can be seen on commercial fishing vessels, tow- boats and tankers, on cargo ships *Charles P. Siess, Jr., president and chief executive officer of Marathon Manufactur- ing Companies, Inc., Houston, Texas, is a member of the National Ocean Industries Association's board of directors and is cur- rently chairman of NOIA's Membership Committee. and throughout the many indus- tries that service these operations. This country's involvement in ocean-related industry reaches far beyond coastal regions where much of the population has traditionally depended directly on the ocean for employment. For illustration, the electronic components, light bulbs, batteries and innumerable small component manufacturers, and even the banking industry which finances them and their consult- ants participate in the offshore industry. The National Ocean Industries Association was founded in 1972 on this awareness of the broad ex- tent of industry's direct and indi- rect participation in ocean-related activity. NOIA's current member- ship, made up of more than 400 companies, understands even more urgently the current and future economic impact ocean-related ac- tivity on all geographic and indus- trial segments of our country. This grasp of the offshore industry's im- portance to our total economy, and to the nation's goal of energy in- dependence, is NOIA's catalyst. The National Ocean Industries Association is the only trade as- sociation that represents all facets of offshore and ocean-related ac- tivity. This makes the association a unique forum. NOIA's objective is to preserve and advance the vital role private enterprise plays in developing our offshore resources for all Ameri- cans while being consistent with sound environmental safeguards and practices. NOIA's membership confirms this broad charter. Mem- ber industries are as diversified as commercial diving and telecom- munications. Commercial and sport fishing, financial institutions and geophysical exploration companies are NOIA members. The entire offshore energy industry, from ma- rine construction to exploratory drilling through production and transportation, is committed to NOIA's objectives. Still, NOIA's diversified, com- mited membership is not large enough to withstand opposition from anti-business groups and en- vironmental extremists. Before You Engelhard The Experts In Corrosion Protection and Fouling Control. For years Engelhard has been meeting the challenges of the sea head on. Its Capac n system provides reliable impressed current corrosion protection for thousands of vessels from tugs to VLCC's as well as for offshore rigs 1 he Chloropac R system, with its efficient modular design, provides continuous fouling control through electrolytic hypochlorite generation from sea water CapacR (Cathodic Protection Automatically Controlled) Extends period between dry dockings ^owest nstalled cost Reduces fuel costs Less painting and hull maintenance Simple operation controls corrosion even under varying hull coatings speeds and water conditions Maritime Regulatory Agency and Classification Society approval Suitablefor [ any type vessel or offshore rig Backed by Engelhard, the only com- pany in the world to design and manufacture components, and refine its own precious metals for anodes The permanent answer to short term sacrificial anodes and special coatings Chloropac" Controls marine fouling with treatment of less than 12 part per million hypochlorite Eliminates roding heat exchangers Waler boxes and sea chests stay clean Surface condensers main tain fioat transfer rate and reduce fuel con- sumption Keeps piping clean reducing fouling induced erosion corrosion 5 year warranteed cell life* ^^^^^^ I indout how you can go to sea. safely and economically with Engelhard Systems. For more information and no-obligation evaluation assistance, call (201) 964-2766or write Engelhard Corporation. Systems, 2655 U S Route 22, Union, NJ 07083 "Pro rated replacement c harge based upon current cell selling price and lime remaining in 5-year warranty period August 15,1984 Circle 317 on Reader Service Card 31