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Klein Elected Chairman, Shipbuilders Council Ad Hoc Committee Charles K. Klein, director of safety, Newport News Shipbuild- ing, Newport News, Va., has been elected chairman of the Ad Hoc Carcinogen Policy Committee for Shipbuilders Council of America located in Washington, D.C. Mr. Klein will chair the commit- tee made of representatives from shipyards throughout the United States for the next two years. The Ad Hoc Carcinogen Policy Com- mittee was established to oversee the federal government's regula- tory and legislative activities on carcinogen policy. Lehman Appointed Plant Manager At General Motors Theodore J. Lehman Theodore J. Lehman has been appointed manager, Plant #103, of Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corporation, it was an- nounced by Peter K. Hoglund, general manager of Electro-Mo- tive and a vice president of Gen- eral Motors. The appointment was part of a major restructuring of the Division's manufacturing or- ganization. Beginning his career at Electro- Motive in 1967 as a project engi- neer, Mr. Lehman was named en- gineer in 1974, and in 1978 he became supervisor of sales engineering, followed by his ap- pointment to district manager that same year. He became sales man- ager, marine sales in 1981, and in 1983 was named manager, marine and industrial sales, the position he held prior to his recent appointment. Organizational Changes Are Announced By Newport News Shipbuilding Newport News Shipbuilding re- cently made the following organi- zational changes to put proper priority on projects and to broaden responsibilities of key managers within the company. The position of vice president- construction and repair, formerly held by L.R. Sorenson Jr., has been eliminated. Mr. Sorenson is named vice president-labor rela- August 15,1984 tions, reporting directly to E.J. Campbell, president and chief ex- ecutive officer. D.T. Savas, senior vice president-corporate relations, will retain his present title and continue to report to Mr. Camp- bell. He will continue to have re- sponsibility for all personnel and health functions. J.E. Turner Jr., former vice president-marketing, becomes sen- ior vice president-overhaul and re- pair. Vice president-overhaul en- gineering R. Broad will report to Mr. Turner. J.E. Graham, formerly direc- tor-manufacturing engineering, assumes the position of vice presi- dent-construction. Production Control has been re- moved from the Technical Divi- sion. It is divided into two depart- ments, Construction and Overhaul. Construction has been assigned to Mr. Graham, overhaul to Mr. Turner. The position of vice president- marketing vacated by Mr. Turner has been assumed by W.P. Frieks, formerly vice president-technical. That position has been assumed by former director-production con- trol J.F. Cox Jr. W.R. Phillips, formerly vice president-engineer- ing, has been elected senior vice president-engineering. Free Maritime Riggers Manual Just fill out this coupon and mail it in for a valuable pocket-size manual you'll use over and over again. Name Company Address _ City State Zip Business phone P.O. Box 2068 Dept. D Aston, PA 19014 215/485-8500 ^^^ , , _ Call toll-free: I ( 1-800-TR1 FLEX I TKLEX: 845-261 ^Lb mm 11 Now haul in those big ones within days of placing your order... and that's no fish story! Gator-Laid™ cable-laid wire- rope slings are the best big slings in the world made right here in the United States, so we can rush them to your on-shore or Gulf site montlis ahead of our overseas competitors. Why waste three, even four months waiting for your big sling to arrive from Europe, when you can have an even better one — at a competitive price — within just a few days? But you want more than just fast delivery and low price. So Gator-Laid™ bodies are also more flexible, to assure you of easier handling. As a matter of fact, their loops are the most compact ever developed in a large lift sling, and they develop a 1/1 D to d body pin ratio. They can be made in shorter lengths too, and since each specified length is identical, their length tolerance is an unbeatable 0" Finally, as you can see for yourself, Gator-Laid™ slings are neater in appearance, which also makes them easier to store, ship and maintain. THEIR'S GATOR-LAID" So don't let this big one get away from you. For dealer nearest you, call toll-free 1-800-TRI-FLEX. (REPRESENTATIVES COAST TO COAST) Circle 317 on Reader Service Card