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OFFSHORE NORTHERN Stavanger, Norway August 21—24 The sixth Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference and exhibition will be held August 21-24 at the Siddis Centre in Stavanger, Nor- way, one of the world's leading centers of offshore activity. Cur- rently scheduled at two-year inter- vals, ONS is an international forum for communication on topics re- lated to the search for oil and gas in northern waters. Resources, policies, technology, and environ- mental constraints are among the subjects covered in relation to pe- troleum exploration, production, and refining in this increasingly important offshore region. The location in Stavanger, amid one of the world's most concen- trated and technically sophisti- cated offshore sectors, helps give the ONS event its unique charac- ter. The exhibition provides a meeting place for the oil industry at three levels—the local, the na- tional, and the international. Off- shore technology from all over the world merges with Norway's own impressive accomplishments in northern waters. A special feature of ONS re- mains the close involvement of the oil companies operating on the Norwegian shelf. They collaborate in staging both exhibition and conference, emphasized by the participation of many Norwegian and foreign oil companies in the show as exhibitors. The focus of the event is on tech- nical solutions for the future. At the same time, the potential of the Norwegian offshore market, val- ued at more than $30 billion over the next decade, provides a solid business attraction for exhibitors and visitors alike. Stavanger offers a potent set- ting for pursuing such commercial targets. A number of oil compa- nies and service firms have their Norwegian head offices there, along with the Norwegian Petroleum Di- rectorate—the state agency re- sponsible for regulating Norway's offshore activities. Uncertainties and innovation in the management of northern off- shore resources will be the central themes at the ONS '84 conference. As before, several sessions of vary- ing length are planned under this (continued on page 18) Geotechnical research vessel —Hollming Ltd./Rauma Circle 91