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Diesel Power Review —Perkins (continued from page 35) Royce Diesel Division, thereby ex- tending its range up to 1,200 bhp. The combined Perkins/Rolls- Royce diesel line is used in a wide variety of marine industry equip- ment, including workboats, ships, dockside vehicles, and generator sets. In addition to the acquisition of Rolls-Royce, Perkins added a small line of 3.5- and 5-bhp die- sels, including a compact 3-kw portable generator suitable for marine applications. Three series of Rolls-Royce en- gines—the CV, D, and C ranges— are suited for marine and genera- tor set applications. These engines include six-, eight-, and 12-cylin- der diesels providing from 145 to 1,200 bhp. The CV range comprises 90-de- gree V8 and 60-degree V12 en- gines, and is the most recent fam- ily of diesels developed by Rolls- Royce. They offer ratings of 550 and 950 bhp. Both engines are di- rect line injection, and feature tur- bocharging and charge cooling. The D range is a 90-degree, V8 direct injection engine with 32.7- liter capacity. This engine fea- tures turbocharging, charge cool- ing, and has a power output of up to 980 bhp. MARLO NAVY AND MARINE HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT MARLO COIL NUCLEAR COOLING, INC. RO. BOX 171. HIGH RIDGE, MO 63049 314-677-6600 APPROVED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES & MAJOR SHIPYARDS • CUSTOM DESIGNED EQUIPMENT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS • SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS • 3 YEAR WARRANTY TOLL FREE 1-800-325-9596 Circle 270 on Reader Service Card Stop these creatures before they stop up your fuel system. ^B? Your fuel tanks are the perfect breeding grounds for fungi and microorganisms that thrive in diesel and other hydrocarbon fuels. They produce a kind of slime that clogs filters and pipelines and can destroy metal surfaces. All of which means nothing but trouble. To save yourself all that trouble, just add BIOBOR® JF fuel fungicide. About a gallon of BIOBOR JF in 5,000 gallons of fuel will eliminate microorganisms and improve fuel stability without harming parts or interfering with performance. So keep trouble from breeding in your fuel system. Find out more about BIOBOR JF from your distributor, or write to Industrial Chemicals Department, U.S. Borax, 3075 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010. BIOBOR* IF The C range includes six- and eight-cylinder engines of 12.2 and 16.2 liters capacity, respectively. Their output is from 145 to 400 bhp. The top of the line of the Perkins marine diesels is a turbo- charged, eight-cylinder engine—the TV8.540—that offers 350 bhp at 2,800 rpm. This engine weighs less than 1,700 pounds, and offers an outstanding power-to-weight ratio. Foremost in the Perkins marine line is the Range 4 family of four high-performance, six-cylinder models. The model 240 provides 240 bhp in a six-cylinder engine. Perkins supports its diesels with a worldwide network of 4,000 dis- tributors, dealers, and parts out- lets. The company also offers a va- riety of maintenance programs, including engine rebuilding and failure analysis courses. SACM Circle 35 on Reader Service Card SACM of France manufactures medium- and high-speed, four- stroke, direct-injection diesel en- gines in a range from 200 to 10,000 bhp. The company is a leader in the development of high-per- formance engines utilizing the RVR (reduced volumetric ratio) and Hy- perbar turbocharging techniques, and in non-magnetic engine ver- sions up to 2,880 bhp. SACM high- performance engines are widely used in Naval and commercial ap- plications requiring compact size, light weight, and high specific power. SACM's U.S. agent is the F.W. Donnelly Company of Houston. It is SACM's philosophy to fur- ther the development of the per- formance qualities of its engine range without sacrificing the es- sential operational qualities, in- cluding low specific fuel consump- tion and ease of operation/ maintenance. This development philosophy has resulted in the company's now well-known RVR turbocharging technique, which provides significantly more power than conventional high-perform- ance engines while maintaining or slightly reducing the engine's thermal and mechanical stresses. Additional attractive features of the RVR engines include the wide ambient temperature range in which they may operate without power derating, the simple, single- circuit cooling system, and the elimination of condensed water formation in the air intercooler. The Hyperbar engine features a further reduction of the RVR en- gine's volumetric ratio (7 to 9), while utilizing a higher pressure ratio turbocharger, additional combustion chamber, and regula- tion equipment. The resulting en- gine has a substantial increase in power beyond the RVR engine, and has the unique ability to maintain high constant torque at any speed. The Hyperbar engine's favorable power-to-weight ratio and 36 Circle 205 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News