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Foster Wheeler Names Somerville Director-Equipment Business Development Henry J. Somerville has been appointed Director of Equipment Business Development for the newly-formed Corporate Business De- velopment Group of Foster Wheeler Corpora- tion. The group will direct Foster Wheeler's continued expansion into new fields of endeavor. Mr. Somerville joined Foster Wheeler in July 1962 as an engineering trainee. He was appointed a field service engineer in 1963, project manager in 1970, and senior project manager, Equipment Division in 1973. Foster Wheeler Corporation is an interna- tional engineering, manufacturing and con- struction organization with 26 subsidiaries operating worldwide. Its major U.S. operating subsidiary, Foster Wheeler Energy Corpora- tion, designs, fabricates and constructs pro- cess plants, fired heaters and steam generat- ing equipment for petroleum refiners, chemical producers and electric utilities. Both corpora- tions are headquartered at Livingston, N.J. Four Executive Promotions Announced By Rosenblatt Lester Rosenblatt, chairman of the board, M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., the worldwide na- val architectural and marine engineering firm headquartered in New York, recently an- nounced the appointment of Douglas J. Yuengling to the position of assistant vice president and director of marine engineering; Charles M. O'Brien to assistant vice presi- dent and director of ship design; Robert C. Umberger to assistant vice president and di- rector of program management; and William J. Corcoran to assistant vice president and comptroller, all at the Washington Area branch office. Douglas Yuengling Charles O'Brien Mr. Yuengling's responsibilities encompass propulsion plant, auxiliary systems, and elec- trical and electronics systems. Prior to joining M. Rosenblatt & Son in 1972 as assistant of- fice manager, he was a senior engineer with Burns & Roe, Inc.; program manager at Cur- tiss Wright Corporation; and staff engineer at Vitro Laboratories. His earlier naval career, spanning some 21 years, included repair, con- version, maintenance, overhaul, inspection, and all phases of design on a wide variety of naval ships. Mr. Yuengling is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and holds an ad- vanced degree in mechanical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. Mr. O'Brien joined the firm in 1976 as a project engineer and progressed to director of advanced ship concepts. His new responsibili- ties will embrace hull systems and all aspects of naval architecture. He served 21 years with the U.S. Navy during which he managed nu- clear submarine overhauls, was ship design manager for submarine design, and was plan- ning and estimating superintendent for sur- face ship and submarine overhauls. His edu- cation includes graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy and advanced degrees in na- val architecture and naval engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I Robert Umberger William Corcoran Since joining Rosenblatt in 1976 as a project engineer, Mr. Umberger became assistant branch manager and director of ship hull en- gineering. He will be responsible for manage- ment of all special programs, including field office activities in Norfolk and Philadelphia. He brings with him 20 years of Navy experi- ence covering shipyard construction, modern- ization, and contract administration supervi- sion as well as destroyer design and personnel management. He is a Naval Academy gradu- ate and holds an advanced degree from Webb Institute of Naval Architecture. Mr. Corcoran's responsibilities include cost estimating for new contracts and fiscal man- agement of the Washington Area Branch. He joined Rosenblatt in 1975 as contract admin- istrator. Prior to this he was head of the branch for workload planning at Boston Na- val Shipyard, and was technical data project officer for implementing Navy data manage- ment policy at Naval Material Command. He is a graduate of Northeastern University. PAINT CO., INC. MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY MARINE COATINGS SINCE 1935 24 HOUR TECHNICAL SERVICE PROVIDED DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERON PROTECTIVE COATINGS 1912 DARBY ROAD (215)853-2520 HAVERTOWN, PA 19083 TELEX 291751 JGLE UR Circle 273 on Reader Service Card BLAST OFF Thousands of whirl- Jr^ ing steel teeth tear -^agp "*" into any corrosion .^WjMj problem. Aurand u WH power tools provide a 8 , WV fast, economical method « • I 1 • of cleaning and maintain- H ™ ™ ing hard surfaces such as -fi - metal and concrete. For years, Aurand tools have been used in such areas as shipyards, oil rigs, offshore platforms, tanks and other high corrosion areas. Aurand power tools come in various sizes in eithe electric or pneumatic models. Call or write for the name of your Au i ai iu dealer. ju4JR4N> 1270 Ellis Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 BF Phone: (513) 541-7200, Telex: 21-4492, Cable: Aurand ' f,r * »• # BROCHURE May 1,1984 Circle 219 on Reader Service Card 61