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fairways, radar locked to fix geo- graphical references, can also be displayed. In addition to warning the operator if the vessel strays from its intended track, this dis- play provides the information that is vital to insure that a maneuver to avoid a collision with another ship does not result in a collision with the bottom. Norcontrol hasn't forgotten the operator. In addition to a control panel layout designed to simplify operation and reduce fatigue, the DB-7 includes a built-in training simulator. Preprogrammed train- ing exercises are presented to the officer to develop his ability to op- erate the system and effectively use all of the information it pro- vides. Operational problems re- lated to new crew members or crew turnover are virtually elim- inated. Finally, Norcontrol's reputation for reliability and service is the best assurance to shipowners that the DB-7 will operate perfectly and keep on working for years to come. Other shipboard systems from Kongsberg/Norcontrol are: DC-7 alarm and monitoring systems, AC-111 engine/bridge control sys- tems, tank level measurement and control, and radar plotting simu- lator. PUROFLOW Circle 47 on Reader Service Card Puroflow Corporation of New- port News, Va., manufactures power-line filters that provide es- sential protection to navigation and communications equipment. Modern solid-state electronics are extremely vulnerable to voltage transients and spikes. Puroflow filters save shipowners large sums of money in repair and replace- ment costs by reducing failures and service calls while prolonging system life. These filters react instantly when power surges occur, shunting away excess current and maintaining a constant flow of correct voltage. They are designed to protect against both short- and long-term voltage fluctuations. Puroflow's filters are said to be unique in the industry, in that they also contain integral noise filters to protect against noise dis- turbances from radio transmitters, electric motors, and other sources. RACAL-DECCA Circle 48 on Reader Service Card Introduced in late 1983, the Racal-Decca MNS 2000 is the first ever integral, multi-sensor posi- tioning receiver with automatic selection of Loran C, Omega, Transit, or Decca Navigator. It takes the positional data acquired and processes it into various navi- gational formats for display and interfacing with, for example, a compatible autopilot, ARPA radar, hard-copy printer, or automatic chart-plotting table. An associated May 15,1984 color video plotter will be intro- duced shortly. The bright-track color display has been very well received since introduction in January this year. It has a 12-inch rectangular face with basic information written on the right side. The method of color presentation is said to be unique to Racal. Relative tracks are shown, from which courses and speeds of echos can be gauged. An impor- tant point is that the control panel can be mounted remote from the display, which itself works off the top unit of the company's 370 or 270 radars. There is now a range af three Racal "super-adaptive" autopilots, the term given to its advanced de- sign whereby a programmed mathematical model of the ship enables the autopilot to differen- tiate between the influence of the weather and that of the ship's characteristics. The former is vir- tually ignored to product? up to four percent savings in fuel (proved by an independent Japanese trial). Japanese lines alone have recently ordered 30 of these units. RADIO-HOLLAND Circle 49 on Reader Service Card Radio-Holland U.S.A. Inc. of Houston has announced FCC type acceptance of the Sailor Program 1000B SSB radiotelephone/tele- graph/telex system. This full du- plex product is an extremely fiexi- (continued from page 38) The rope that does more for less...higher strength... less weight...lowest cost per foot/per strength! SAMSON'S NEW ROUND PLAIT 1L x v • In nylon, polyester, extra tough polypropylene Splices like 8-strand COMPARE! Strength per lb. per 100 ft. Vt N 100% Polypropylene Round Plait Polytron " Round Plait Duron" V Vi f S 'V Stays flexible, easy to handle Holds tight, easy to grip f 'Torque-free > } < V^ • Firm and round Get the Round Plait advantage! Contact your Samson Round Plait Distributor or send for specific price and strength data. Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 99 High St., Boston, MA 02110 Tel: 617/426-6550 TWX: (710) 321-0098 Won't kink or hockle 4 Subsidiary of ENSERCH CORPORAriOH Circle 112 on Reader Service Card 39