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marine industry... the readers and the advertisers BECAUSE THOUSANDS MORE BUYERS ASK FOR IT Maritime Reporter is requested by thousands more marine industry readers than any other marine magazine in the world COMPARE IDENTIFIABLE BUYERS Contained in the Total Circulation REQUESTED BY BUYERS MR 18,232 100% REQUESTED 12,227 Lead Some magazines mix buyers and non-buyers together in the same group . . . making it im- possible to determine number of buyers reached. MR lists these mixed groups as un- identifiable. Only identifiable buyers are compared here. Survey of marine sales managers identifies BUYERS as shoreside management, engineering and purchasing people in vessel operations, ship- building. ship repair and naval architecture. Non-buyers are lawyers, students, men aboard ship, insurance, manufacturers, etc. ME/Log 6005 NOT REQUESTED — Estimated number of free copies mailed to addresses taken from directories. The classification of particular individuals in this comparison as buying influence readers is based on a survey of marine sales managers. Circulation audit bureaus do not define marine buyers. June 1983 WB 9 WJ 2714 'Work Boat does not report titles of all readers (Presidents. Vice Presidents. Treasurers. Purchasing Agents, etc.) Impossible to identify number of buyers reached. WANTED MARINE MAGAZINE MARITIME REPORTER ANO ENGINEERING NEWS Circle 310 on Reader Service Card •