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a ton of coal slag or silica sand. Calculated another way, "Star- blast" will clean 100 square feet of metal in two-thirds the time needed by the other two blasting materials. This translates into a labor saving for the shipyard. Another plus factor is that noz- zle life has been extended signifi- cantly since the switch to the less abusive "Starblast." A final plus in the "Starblast" column comes in the "dusting" comparison. Sil- ica sand and slag generate clouds of dust that are troublesome from both an environmental and a vis- ibility standpoint. By creating less dust, a blaster using "Star- blast" can see the metal more clearly and, as a result, work more quickly. Added up, all the advantages of "Starblast" include uniform blast pattern and profile, faster clean- ing rate, lower equipment main- tenance record, reduced labor in- vestment and less dusting. ENGELHARD Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Engelhard Corporation's Capac™ impressed-current cathodic protec- tion systems have proven effective in the prevention of corrosion and pitting in well over 2,000 ocean- going vessels of all sizes and types—tankers, containerships, workboats, mobile offshore drill- ing rigs, fishing trawlers, tug- boats, and many types of naval vessels. Manufactured by Engelhard's Systems Department, the auto- matically controlled Capac sys- tems have operated successfully for 20 years and more, the life of most marine vessels. Thousands of dollars can be saved by avoiding the need for replacing sacrificial anodes at each drydocking and by extending the time between each drydocking. Designed to operate unattended in the automatic mode, Capac sys- tems constantly adjust the im- pressed current emitted by the platinum-clad niobium anodes to account for changes in hull speed, water temperature, salinity, and loss of the protective coating. Hull conditions can be estimated by monitoring current output—a ma- jor increase in current demand at sea probably means that serious deterioration of paint on the hull has occurred, and allows correc- tive action to be planned in an eco- nomical way. Capac systems are simple to op- erate. No special training is re- quired for the routine mainte- nance that leads to years of trouble- free corrosion control. Engelhard Corporation, head- quartered in Edison, N.J., is an in- ternational leader in the techno- logical development and manufacturing of high-perform- ance specialty chemicals and cata- lysts, industrial minerals, and pre- cious metals products. ESGARD Circle 37 on Reader Service Card Esgard, Inc. of Lafayette, La., manufactures bio-compatible, veg- etable-based corrosion coatings, Bio-Gel and Bio-Float, which are said to offer long life and econom- ical, durable protection of wet and dry internal areas in all types of marine vessels. Common features of the Bio products include: ab- sence of solvents or petroleum products, 450 F flashpoint, non- flammability, and resistance to a wide range of acids, alcohols, and hydrocarbons. Bio-Gel provides long-term pro- tection in areas of minimum sur- face preparation where a gel type coating is preferred. In addition to film thickness, it protects via rust inhibitors and an ability to "skin over," a natural occurence that re- quires no ventilation. The initial skin forms between six and 10 days after application. Film thick- ness is left to the customer's dis- cretion, with the manufacturer's recommendations being 6—40 mils, (continued on page 38) Oil/Water Separator NEWS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI MAY, 1984 New PACE System Breaks Emulsions Leaves no detectable oil in effluent, according to I MO and USCG Tests The PACK™ Oil/Water Separator will handle virtually any combination of fresh water, salt water, free oil, mechanically induced emulsions and detergent induced emul- sions. It will recover the oil broken out of emulsions and discharge oil-free water. The system is fail safe. Its ability to dis- charge clean, oil-free water does not depend on operator skill. There are no adjustments. Handles up to No. 5 heavy fuel oil without modifications. If the oil will flow, PACE can process it. Our long experience in sophisti- cated process technology has produced this simple and rugged PACE equip- ment. The only moving parts are two solenoid valves and a centrifugal pump. A true advance- ment in oil/water separa- tion technology, the complete line of PACE™ (Positive Accelerated Coalescence of Emulsions) systems is certified by the U.S. Coast Guard per I MO Resolution A. 393(X) and 46 CER 162.050 for installation aboard inspected vessels. Pace Systems can be sized to accommodate any type or size vessel from small workboat to ocean liner. New, compact unit, from the makers of FAST Marine Sewage Systems is fully automatic, self-priming, "hands-off" Oil/Water Separator System. No chemical additives are required. No filters are required. The Pace system shown is currently in operation aboard the M/V Dave Carlton, operated by Heartland Transportation Company. The PACE system is completely self- contained and there are no hidden extras. =poce For Information, call or write today. <5) MARINE SYSTEMS DIVISION OF ST. LOUIS SHIP 611 E MARCEAU ST. ST LOUIS. MO 63111 USA (314) 638 4000/TELEX 44 7224/ST L SHIP ST L Division of Pott Industries Inc -An HNG Company May 1,1984 Circle 219 on Reader Service Card 37