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Ferrous Adds New FE-4 Manufacturing Facility —Literature Available Due to increasing demand, Fer- rous Corporation (Bellevue, Wash.), manufacturer of FE-4 marine grade combustion catalyst since 1969, has added a manufacturing facil- ity in Ridgefield, N.J. The new fa- cility will provide faster and more efficient service for East Coast users and insures a constant sup- ply of FE-4. Ferrous currently supplies over 60 oceangoing vessels, many of which will be serviced by the new facility. FE-4 is also manufactured in New Lenox (Chicago), 111., and in Seattle, Wash. Ferrous has nine warehouse fa- cilities for the combustion cata- lyst: Staten Island, N.Y.; North Charleston, S.C.; Miami, Fla.; New Orleans, La.; San Pedro and Oak- land, Calif.; Honolulu, Hi.; St. Croix, Virgin Islands; and, Seat- tle, Wash. For further information and free literature from Ferrous Corporation, Circle 67 on Reader Service Card Texas Instruments Unveils New Loran C Navigator —Literature Available Texas Instruments recently in- troduced the TI 9900 II Loran C navigator, a complete Loran C- based navigation system with the performance, features, and accu- racy of the popular TI 9900, plus an exceptional array of additional capabilities. The TI 9900 II features 100 waypoints that can be entered as time differences or latitude/longi- tude coordinates. Trips of up to 50 legs can be stored, with reverse ca- pabilities. A unique trip planning function allows the user to com- pute course and distance between any two waypoints without receiv- ing a Loran signal. Additional ca- pabilities of the system include automatic waypoint sequencing and the display of range and bearing to the next waypoint as each one is passed. According to Gary Howe, TI marine marketing manager, "The TI 9900 II has been designed with the user in mind. A sealed, fully backlit keyboard is provided, with oversized keys, not a membrane key pad. This makes entering in- formation fast, sure, and easy, even with gloves on." In addition, most of the TI 9900 II navigation functions—range to destination, course-over-bottom, cross track error, speed-over-bot- tom, time-to-go, ETA, velocity- made-good, magnetic variation, and many more—can be instantly dis- played with only one simple key- press. A large, clear alphanumeric dot matrix display provides navi- gation information in plain, easy- to-read English, eliminating con- fusion caused by similar-looking letters and numbers, such as "b" and "6." Six highly advanced, electronic notch filters are built into the TI 9900 II, providing precise protec- tion from signal interference no matter where the vessel is oper- ated. The feature-oriented unit also includes three separate alarm sys- tems for safer navigation. For further information and free literature on the TI 9900 II, Circle 61 on Reader Service Card Campbell Chain Offers Free Literature On New Model Blocks Doubling the pulling capacity of a winch is the main benefit of the new Brewer-Titchener heavy-duty drop side snatch block with becket made by Campbell Chain Division of McGraw-Edison Co. The new model 4198 block is an innovative approach to doubling up without threading or taking the block apart. A companion model 4199 block of- fers forged steel sides and hot dip galvanizing for long life in marine use. For free literature on the Camp- bell Chain blocks, Circle 68 on Reader Service Card Lord Marine Fenders Are Manufactured In 22 Sizes —Literature Available High-efficiency energy absorp- tion is the advantage claimed for the F Series of marine fenders manufactured by Lord Corpora- tion. Intended for sheltered or ex- posed berthing facilities, these fenders are available in 22 sizes, with absorption capacities ranging from 1.4 to 124 foot-kips. They are used with wale or frontal systems, and capable of shear deflection with minimal change in energy capacity. F Series fenders are said to be maintenance-free; the elas- tomer used provides resistance to heat, cold, ozone, saline solution, and conforms to the ASTM D-2000 designation. This fendering is a rectangular elastomer section with steel mounting plates permanently bonded to both ends. Used as a col- umn under load, the long axis buc- kles, providing deflection and ab- sorption of the energy imparted by a berthing vessel. Some 7,500 F Series marine fenders are performing success- fully at more than 200 facilities around the world. Shipowners and port authorities appreciate their performance, durability, economy, and maintenance-free dependabil- ity, the manufacturer says. For further information and free literature on F Series marine fenders and other Lord systems, Circle 63 on Reader Service Card FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES ADVERTISED IN THIS ISSUE CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER CIRCLE NO. 335 206 234 215 174 247 212 223 316 230 246 202 251 245 121 322 173 164 238 249 157 242 250 237 115 236 216 239 243 197 252 244 187 241 240 248 211 ADVERTISER EQUIPMENT /SERVICE AMERICAN WATERWAYS OPERATORS, INC INDUSTRY GROUP BIOSPHERICS, INC OIL-IN-WATER CONTENT METER COLT INDUSTRIES, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINE DIV DIESEL ENGINES/PARTS/SERVICE FRITZ CULVER, INC DECK MACHINERY CURTIS BAY TOWING TOWING SERVICES C.B. DARCY MARINE EQUIPMENT FRED DEVINE DIVING & SALVAGE DIVING/SALVAGE FLEETWEATHER OCEAN SERVICES . . . VOYAGE SURVEILLANCE/SHIP ROUTING GENERAL THERMALDYNAMICS CYLINDER LOAD BALANCER HBC BARGE, INC BARGE BUILDING/REPAIR HARVEY'S COMMERCIAL MARINE DIV SURVIVAL SUITS HUBEVA MARINE PLASTICS, INC CHOCKING AND REPAIR COMPOUND IML METALS INC STOCKING MILL DISTRIBUTOR IMPERIAL MANUFACTURING SURVIVAL SUITS INTERTRADE INDUSTRIES BUOYS/FENDER KOCH-ELLIS BARGE & SHIP SERVICE REPAIR SERVICE LAWLESS ENTERPRISES MARINE EQUIPMENT MCALLISTER BROS TOWING SERVICES MGA INTERNATIONAL MARINE INSURANCE MACGREGOR-NAVIRE CARGO ACCESS EQUIPMENT/REPAIR AND SERVICE MARINE EQUIPMENT CATALOG ANNUAL MARINE/NAVY CATALOG MARITIME PROTECTION OIL CONTENT MONITORING SYSTEMS MEGADOOR INC SHIPYARD DOORS NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING VESSEL CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CORP VESSEL MOTION MONITOR OMNITHRUSTER THRUSTERS PLATT BROS CATHODIC PROTECTION PROMET MARINE SERVICES CORP VESSEL REPAIR/SERVICE RAMPMASTER INC GANGWAYS RAUMA-REPOLA VESSEL CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR SAVANNAH SHIPYARD VESSEL CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR SPERRY CORPORATION SHIP CONTROL SYSTEM SQUIRE-COGSWELL COMPANY AIR COMPRESSORS TELEFLEX INC VALVE ACTUATION SYSTEM VIDEOTEL (ICHCA CANADA) TECHNICAL TRAINING FILMS WHITEY CO FORGED BODY VALVES ZIDELL EXPLORATIONS, INC MARINE EQUIPMENT 46 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News