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Drilling Rig Dry Transport Cuts 11,000-Mile Sailing Time In Half The self-propelled, $82-million, drilling rig High Seas Driller, built by Daewoo Shipbuilding's Okpo facility, was transported to the North Sea by the Ferncarrier. The heavy transport ship was devel- oped by JL Heavyweight Trans- port of Denmark and was specially designed to carry large or awk- ward loads such as drilling rigs or other steel structures. Although the High Seas Driller is self-propelled, transport via the Ferncarrier almost doubled the rig's speed by traveling at more than 9 knots, cutting travel time by about one half. The loading process began at Daewoo's Okpo Shipyard. The Ferncarrier's bow and stern are separated by a large depressed Drilling rig High Seas Driller, built by Daewoo Shipbuilding, being on-loaded aboard the heavy loading area of 360 by 125 feet. To transport Ferncarrier. accommodate its load, the ship takes on water, in the manner of a submarine, submerging its load- ing area to a depth of 22 feet. The semisubmersible rig was towed into position and the ship shed its ballast and surfaced. When loaded, the derrick of the High Seas Driller towers 350 feet above the deck and the two pontoons protrude some 65 feet on each side of the M/V Ferncarrier. The voyage through the China Sea and the Indian Ocean was rough with head winds and heavy seas. After having traveled in ex- cess of 11,000 nautical miles in a 36-day sea voyage, the High Seas Driller was in service approxi- mately 50 days earlier than if it had spent the estimated 85 days under its own power. The Ferncarrier's capacity is 43,500 tons, more than ample for the 13,000-ton High Seas Driller. save time and money!! use homatro®'s superior shipwedges b.v. holmatro industrial equipment p.o. box 33 4940 aa raamsdonksveer holland tel.: 1621 - 13950 tlx: 54892 ASK FOR BROCHURE OR QUOTATION holmatro® shipwedges Tens of thousands are used in drydocks and at slipways. Can be quickly released when under full load. Made of special cast iron. Saves docking time, material and labour costs. Available in two capacities: 50 and 80 metric tons. Can stand high overloading. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED! Write 233 on Reader Service Card Notional Supply Advances Ayers To Product Manager Robert L. Ayers To further strengthen National Supply Company's technical sup- port to customers, Robert L. Ay- ers has been named product man- ager and sales administrator for the firm's National Drilling Equipment Division. "In addition to division mate- rials management, Mr. Ayers new responsibilities focus entirely on customer support," said division president William N. Selvig, who announced the appointment. "His group not only will provide technical assistance with special emphasis on cranes and marine products, but Mr. Ayers will spearhead a customer-involve- ment effort to determine what kinds of product developments and improvements would be most help- ful and practical in day-to-day op- erations. We're fortunate to have a person of Bob Ayer's back- ground and experience to head up this important area." Mr. Ayers joined Armco, Na- tional's parent firm, in 1973 as a salesman. He held various posi- tions with Armco before being named president of Baylor Com- pany, the national supply unit which makes drilling rig brakes, electronic power control equip- ment and other components. Made to U.S. Coast Guard & Navy Specifications Complete range of two- way Bronze Valves In choice of alloys with any type of trim, including Monel Featuring sil-braze ends, Navy flanges, detenting handles, blow-out proof stems Shock & vibration tested Sizes: V4" thru 4" Pressures to 700 psig; temps to 450°F. Also available in Flush Tank, Multi-Port and Manifolded Valves FREE CATALOG Fully describes the line and includes Marine system applica- tions. No obligation. VALVES EST 1899 POT/BURGH BRASS MANUFACTURING Sandy Hill Rd., R.D. 6 Box 387-A, Irwin, Pa 15642 412/863-0550 • TLX NO. 86-6236 P O Box 790 Morgan City, Louisiana 70381 (504) 384-3060 • "AMD A II wUIVilHIl • Streamlined • Cost _ _ _ _ _ efficient • In business Industries, inc. since 194 8 CONRAD INDUSTRIES, INC. expansion pro- gram triples production capacity Conrad builds fuel, spud, deck, self pro- pelled barges 34 Write 780 on Reader Service Card Write 403 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News