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Fish Expo '83 WHMHNnWNMHHMKglAMHHMBKBHfBMM (continued from page 15) Reeve, marketing consultant with Kyokko Suisan. 1-2 "Direct to the Pub- lic Sales," Rooms III and IV, pre- sented by Tom Maloney, Alaska shrimp fisherman, and Bill Mur- tha and Stan Long, Moss Land- ing albacore trollers. 1-3 "Co-Ops," Room VI, presented by Don Reinhardt, a manager of the Halibut Producers' Co-op (now Seafood Producers' Co- op), Paul Peyton, manager, Southeast Alaska Salmon Gillnet- ters Co-op, and Lawrence Boz- anich, manager, San Pedro Seine- boat Co-op. 1—4 "Direct Restaurant Sales," Room VII, presented by Jon Rowley, seafood consultant. 10:30 am—Coffee break. 10:45 am—Repeat of preceding workshops Exhibitor Seminars 1:30 pm—(A) "Trawl Net Devel- opment," Rooms III and IV. Moderator—Barry Fisher, pres- ident, Yankee Fisheries. Speakers—Cliff Goudey, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Sea Grant Program, Gary Lover- SHIPOWNERS TRUST US TO KEEP THEIR FLEETS SHIP-SHAPE We've got a reputation that is unexcelled in the shiprepair industry. That's why shipowners and operators continue to call on us for repairs to their ships. Todd's position as an industry leader was achieved not only for our expertise, but for our determination to be the best. We've spent millions of dollars recently in improving our repair facilities, including the installation of large capacity dry docks at Galveston and Seattle, as well as new dry docks at Houston and New Orleans, cranes, piers, the acquisition of an entire shipyard in San Francisco, research and develop- ment, state-of-the-art training programs, and commencement of the construction of a 48,000 dwt syncrolift system at Los Angeles to improve our service to our customers. There are seven Todd yards, located on the West, Gulf and East coasts, with the capability of servicing just about any- thing afloat, ready to serve our clients around-the-clock. We've got the know-how, equipment and people to do the job, fast and econom- ically. We call it "The Todd Touch". TODD SHIPYARDS CORPORATION One State Street Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004 Telephone: (212) 668-4700 Cable: "Robin" New York NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES/SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS/HOUSTON/GALVESTON ich, president, Nor'eastern Trawl, Duncan Amos, commercial fish- eries specialist, University of Rhode Island, and Dennis Lodge, owner, Fishinform. 1:30 pm—(B) "Packaging for Higher Profits," Room VI. Moderator—Bruce Cole, pub- lisher, Seafood Business Report. Speakers—Eric Melton, vice president, Pacific Seafoods, Inc.; John Sakton, project coordinator, New England Fisheries Develop- ment Foundation, and Michael T. Selders, manager-sales and mar- keting, Royal Alaskan Seafoods, Inc. 2:45 pm—(C) "Stability," Rooms I and II, presented by Bruce Adee, director, Ocean Engineering Pro- gram, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Thursday, October 27 9:00 am—General Session—Rooms III and IV. "Underutilized Species" 9:30 am—Concurrent Workshops 2-1 "Shark," Rooms I and II, presented by Mike Wag- ner, manager, Seafood Specialties of Santa Barbara; Bob Dvorak, manager, Hawaii Shark Proces- sors; Ken Bates, and Bobby Reid. 2-2 "Squid," Rooms III and IV, presented by Pierre Mer- curio, a squid highliner; Gerald Sweeney, experimental fisher- man, and Roger Mercer, fisher- ies scientist, National Marine Fisheries Service. 2-3 "Octopus," Room VI, presented by Brian Paust, Sea Grant marine advisory agent, Pe- tersburg, Alaska; Dr. Brian Har- twick, University of British Co- lumbia, and Chris Toole, California Sea Grant marine ad- visory agent. 2-4 "Underutilized Mol- lusks," Room VII, presented by Sus Kato, fishery development specialist, National Marine Fish- eries Service, and Daniel Han- cock, marine ecologist, Oregon State University. 10:30 am—Coffee break. 10:45 am—Repeat of preceding workshops. Exhibitors Seminar 1:30 pm—(D) "The Wheelhouse of the Future: Integrated Electron- ics," Rooms III and IV. Moderator—Bruce Buls, asso- ciate Pacific editor, National Fish- erman Magazine. 1:30 pm—(E) "Future Directions in Seafood Exports," Room VI, pre- sented by Robert G. Haves, di- rector, Office of Industry Develop- ment, National Marine Fisheries Service. 2:45 pm—(F) "The Political Scene and Fishermen," Rooms I and II. Moderator—A.D. Chandler, Pa- cific editor, National Fisherman Magazine. Speakers—Carmen Blondin, dep- uty assistant administrator, Fish- eries Resource Management, Na- tional Marine Fisheries Service; Zeke Grader, Pacific Coast Fed- 16 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News