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Rockwell International Wins $7.7-Million Contract For Acoustic Processors A $7.7-million preproduction contract from the United States Navy for an upgraded acoustic sig- nal processor has been awarded to Rockwell International Corpora- tion's Autonetics Marine Systems Division in Anaheim, Calif. The equipment, called Fast Time Analyzer System (FTAS), is de- signed to support the latest Navy antisubmarine warfare craft and assist in locating, identifying and tracking submarines. The FTAS upgrade enchances present capability through in- creased real-time and time-accel- erated signal processing and the expanded use of video displays. The systems are being installed around the globe in aircraft car- rier and land-based Tactical Sup- port Centers to provide both real- time and post-time analysis of acoustic data. Cali & Associates Elect Schulze To Presidency Filippo Cali, chairman of the board of directors of Cali & Asso- ciates, Inc., consultants, New Or- leans, La., announced the election of Albrecht Schulze to president of the company. In this capacity, he will be responsible for the en- tire operation of Cali & Associ- ates, Inc. Prior to his election, Mr. Schulze has served as vice presi- dent for data processing and has been a member of the board of di- rectors since the company was founded in 1973. COMSAT World Systems Division Announces Three Vice Presidential Changes COMSAT World Systems Divi- sion, Washington, D.C., recently announced three vice presidential appointments. Edward J. Martin has been named to the position of vice pres- ident, international operations. In his new capacity, Mr. Martin will be responsible for the operation and planning of COMSAT's inter- national satellite communications system and the direction of COM- SAT's 17 earth stations which op- erate with the INTELSAT system. He will also assume the role of U.S. Governor on the INTELSAT Board of Governors. David E. Gourley has been ap- pointed to the newly created posi- tion of vice president, business de- velopment, with responsibility for the establishment of business plans, new communications services, and market development for COM- SAT's international communica- tion services. George J. Tellmann assumes the position of vice president, mar- itime services. In this capacity, he is responsible for the management of COMSAT's maritime satellite communications business and will serve as the principal U.S. repre- sentative on the INMARSAT Council. Mr. Martin most recently served as vice president, maritime serv- ices. As such, he represented COMSAT, the U.S. Signatory to INMARSAT, on the INMARSAT Council and served as chairman of that council from 1982-83. Mr. Gourley joined COMSAT in 1976 and has served as director of sales and market development for COMSAT World Systems Division since 1981. Mr. Tellmann, until recently senior director, international sys- tems operations and planning of COMSAT World Systems Divi- sion, joined COMSAT in 1968. COMSAT World Systems Divi- sion is responsible for the manage- ment of COMSAT's participation in the INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Or- ganization) and INMARSAT (In- ternational Maritime Satellite Or- ganization) global communications satellite systems. COMSAT, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., is an industry leader in satellite communications services and products. MURPHY'S LAW NUMBER 76. THE STIFFEST PLANK ALWAYS GETS NEXT TO THE BENDIEST ONE. n the other hand, MICRO = LAM"J Law #2 states: MICRO - LAM scaffold planking will have consistently uniform strength and stiffness. We guaran- tee it. Because every one has to conform to our tough manufactur- ing standards. And every MICRO = LAM scaf- fold plank is proof-tested for strength and branded to certify compliance with OSHA. MICRO = LAM engineered lumber is made from ultrasonically graded veneer, laminated under heat and pressure with waterproof adhesive. This patented process eliminates almost all of the flaws and hazards of solid sawn planks- splitting and warping are virtu- ally unknown with MICRO - LAM planking. And it cuts costs by lasting longer. Available in any specified length up to 40 feet, up to 24" wide, and in 6 thicknesses. Immediate shipment. Write or call today. Walk a safer plank: MICRO=LAM Scaffold planking Name Company _ Phone Mail To 0 TRUS JOIST CORPORATION PO. Box 60 E • Boise, Idaho 83707 • 208/375-4450 October 1, 1983 Write 273 on Reader Service Card 7