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seminars will feature over 72 speakers from all facets of the commercial fishing and seafood processing industries. Highlighting this year's semi- nars program is the Inshore Fish- eries Conference, co-sponsored by National Fisherman and Pacific College Sea Grant. The Confer- ence which takes place in the mornings will present 21 sessions covering four major areas of con- cern to fishermen who work within 200 miles of the coast: direct mar- keting; underutilized resources; vessels and gear; handling, pack- aging and on-board quality con- trol. The remaining 10 sessions held in the afternoons will cover topics of interest to offshore fish- ermen as well as processors, fish farmers and politicians. New to this year's show are four exhibitor seminars and a film se- ries to be held in Room V, Wednesday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Exhibitors were asked to submit seminars of their own for presentation outside of the regular program. The four seminars being presented cover fish detection, vessel insurance, safety and Scottish seining. The film series will be ongoing during Fish Expo and includes a Norwe- gian fish-farming film. At the last Seattle show 16,623 attended and to get them into the show faster and provide more service, a new registration system has been introduced. The empha- sis is on preregistration which is free to all who complete and mail the appropriate preregistration form which is available in Fish Expo advertisements, from exhibi- tors or from one of the Fish Expo offices. To those who register at the door, there will be a $5 regis- tration fee. Attendees at this year's show will receive name badges identify- ing their occupation which should result in better presentations from exhibitors. Other services new to the show include large discounts on airfare, airport transportation and tours while in Seattle. The most visible new service will be the Fish Expo Visitor In- formation Center which will help with restaurant, theater, Seattle tour and Fish Expo banquet reser- vations. The Information Center will also house the message desk, and messages will be provided to show visitors and exhibitors on five television monitors located around the show. Fish Expo will close with two popular events. On Friday, Octo- ber 28, the Fish Expo Banquet will take place at the Westin Ho- tel. Seattle's top seafood restau- rants and the executive chef of the Westin are working together to put on a banquet that will be an expression of the best seafood city in the country. On Saturday, Oc- tober 29 the Trawl Crawl will be held. This five-mile fun run at- tracted over 1,000 runners in 1981. It begins and finishes at Fisher- men's Terminal in Seattle. More information on the entire week of events can be obtained by contacting National Fisherman Expositions, Inc. at (207) 774-5981, 5 Milk Street, Portland, Me. 04112, or (206) 283-1150, 4215 21st Ave- nue West, Seattle, Wash. 98199. Seminars Program Wednesday, October 26 9:00 am—Introductory remarks, Rooms III and IV 9:05 am—General Session—Rooms III and IV. "Direct Marketing," presented by Brian Paust, Alaska Sea Grant marine advisory agent, and Richard Wilson, seafood marketing consultant. 9:30 am—Concurrent Workshops 1-1 "Expanding Domes- tic Markets," Rooms I and II, pre- sented by Joseph Ciliberto, Se- attle seafood broker, Douglas Humes, marketing specialist, Bering Sea Fishermen's Associa- tion, John Maher, Sitka, bottom- fish, longline fisherman, and Terry (continued on page 16) Save money cm aerial lifts with Hertz' new fall rate schedule. HERTZ ANNOUNCES REDUCED RENTAL ! RATES AT 52 LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE. Call Hertz at 1-800-223-0983 and find out how you can save. 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