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rpm. Released this year, the 444 was designed for optimized per- formance on lower grade and heavy fuels up to 3500 Redwood which may be the norm in years to come. A redesign of the internal cooling circuit and new generation turbo- chargers has increased the overall efficiency of the basic engine de- sign allowing for the initial devel- opment output to be significantly greater than the 440, with no det- rimental effects on fuel consump- tion. Output on diesel fuel at this time is 250 hp/cylinder at 750 rpm or 2,000 hp for the 8-cylinder model. Basic design features of the 400 series include individual cylinder heads with four valves per head (2 inlet, 2 exhaust) in an overhead arrangement. Piston cooling on all turbocharged-intercooled models, all models both naturally aspi- rated and turbocharged-intercooled are oil cooled. The 500 series, the largest of the MWM product line, is divided into two separate and distinct engine families; the 510B and the 501. The 510B is comprised of four basic turbocharged-intercooled en- gines with a common bore (13 in.) and stroke (14.2 in.); two inline (6 and 8 cylinder) and two VEE type (12 and 16-cylinder). Like the 400 series, the 510B has been designed to operate on a variety of fuels with significant experience on the poorer grade fuels, even fuels with viscosity up to 3500 Sec. Redwood. The design characteristics of this family allow operating speeds be- tween 600 rpm and 750 rpm. The 510B has a swept volume of 1879 in.3/cylinder and an output per cyl- inder of 525 hp, up to 8,400 hp on the 16-cylinder model (diesel fuel). Currently only the 6 and 8-cylin- der models are available for oper- ation on dual fuel and natural gas, output at 750 rpm is 1,890 hp for the 6-cylinder and 2,515 hp for the 8-cylinder. The 501 in contrast to the 510B, is available in a turbocharged-in- tercooled inline 6 and 8-cylinder engine only. Each shares a bore of 14.2 in. and a stroke of 17.7 in., operating speed for the 501 is be- tween 428 rpm and 514 rpm. The 501 has been designed specifically for operation on diesel and poorer grade fuels, operation on natural gas and dual fuel is not available. Output at 514 rpm for the 6-cylin- der is 2,475 hp, 3,300 hp for the 8-cylinder model. ONAN CORPORATION Write 62 on Reader Service Card The Onan Corporation, of Min- neapolis, Minn., recently intro- duced the L317D-M and L423D-M Marine propulsion engines. With ratings of 43.5-ph (32.5- kw) and 60-hp (4.8-kw) at 3,600- rpm and weights of 475-lb (215-kg) and 549-lb (249-kg), respectively, the new Onan engines are part of a family that will eventually offer diesels with ratings up to 150-hp (111.9 kw). With a weight to hp ratio of about 11-lb/hp, the four-cycle L317D-M engine has a displace- ment of 1.7-L (105-in). The L423D- M has a weight/hp ratio of about 9-lb/hp with a displacement of 2.3L (140-in). Both engines have a common cylinder of bore: 89-mm (3.5-in), and stroke: 92-mm (3.62- in). Onan Corporation, which de- signed and developed the new family of marine propulsion en- gines, has been a well-known sup- plier of marine equipment for more than 25 years. Such experience has resulted in a number of ma- rine features and options on the propulsion engines, including a marine cooling system, marine gear, marine alternator, and mounting system. SACM DIESEL Write 63 on Reader Service Card SACM of France manufactures medium and high-speed, four- stroke, direct injection diesel en- gines known for their low specific fuel consumption and compact size. F. W. Donnelly Company of Houston, Texas represents SACM in the United States. For the offshore drilling and (continued on page 32) The do anything shipyard. July 29, 1983 Write 831 on Reader Service Card 13 mandated modifications. We also install sanitation systemstolatest Coast Guard requirements. We are truly the do anything shipyard. Call us. Newport News Shipbuilding. Newport News, Virginia 23607. (804) 380-2600/Telex 82-3453/ TWX 710-880-0007. Please send me your new brochure on ship repair, conversions, jumboizing and upgrading to" TCO requirements. | Company Address City State Zip Newport News Ltenneco Shipbuilding A Tenneco Company MR783 | Design Our design and engineering staff of over 2,000 provides sound, professional solutions to technical problems. Construction We have built more than 700 ships.. .tankers, cargo vessels, passenger liners, LNG carriers, ULCCs. We have the experience to plan major jobs so they are completed on time, on budget. Repair We can do any emergency or routine repair job. No one is better able to handle unexpected work discovered during the job and still deliver your ship on schedule. Conversion/ Jumboizing One of our strengths. We can convert/jumboize any ship to meet specific needs and market requirements. Our experience includes self-unloading coal colliers, heavy lift ships, passenger ships, molten sulfur carriers and all other forms of bulk tankers. No job is beyond our capabilities. Retrofit We design, install and test inert gas, segregated ballast and fire protection systems, collision avoidance aids and other