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sales department sees your problems from this angle. Solving marine transportation problems is not an ivory- tower, three-piece suit type of job. You need to be close to the water, close to your boats and people, if you intend to solve customer problems instead of creating them. So, we don't just have salespeople. What we do have are reliable, experienced Customer Service personnel. Professionals who know what you need, and know how to deliver. Flexible people who understand budgets — yours as well as ours — and can help cut your costs. People who sweat the tough jobs out from start to finish. To make sure our operations solve your problems. We specialize in offshore tank barging and towing operations. We solve problems in tanker lightering, bunker deliveries, gathering from offshore platforms, and the offshore transportation of bulk petroleum. We can save you money in these and other marine-related services, designed to meet your changing needs. At LEEVAC Marine, we don't just make a sales pitch. Our Customer Service problem solvers can provide solutions — / • EETllAf* on the phone, or in your office. m^LCCVMw K y MARINE TRANSPORTATION And, if you like, they'll even wear ties, -y*^-' P.O. Box 2528 Morgan City, Louisiana 70381 (504) 384-8000 TELEX: 58 6343 LEE VAC MGCY 2404 Yorktown, Suite 140 Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 871-1102 A Division of LEEVAC Corporation Write 409 on Reader Service Card SERVICE WITH ENERGY