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Rivera, Willis Join Staff Of Designers & Planners Nicholas N. Rivera and James A. Willis recently joined the staff of Designers & Planners, Inc. (D&P), a firm of naval architects and marine engineers with head- quarters in Washington, D.C., and offices in Philadelphia and San Diego. Ferd Serim, president of the company, announced the appointments. Mr. Rivera will serve as direc- tor of electrical engineering. He will be responsible for the coordi- nation and management of de- sign projects, feasibility and eval- uative studies, technical docu- mentation, and all support work in electrical systems for Navy and commercial ships. Mr. Rivera was previously head, submarine branch, sub- marine and systems analysis di- vision, NAVSEA, where he was responsible for supervising all electrical life cycle engineering for submarines. This included all phases of design, construction, and maintenance of submarine electrical systems. Mr. Willis has been appointed assistant director of marine en- gineering at D&P. He will be re- sponsible for technical manage- ment and design integration, in- volving propulsion, auxiliary, fluid, and deck systems. Mr. PHOENIX' SUPER-MARINE Fixtures light up "ZODIAC" Fleet The LNG Taurus, shown here, is a visual tribute to the joint efficiency of Phoenix's "CALL" (Computer Aided Lighting Layout) service and the Super- Marine fixtures used to implement it. In addition to the Taurus, Phoenix has similarly retrofitted her seven sister ships plying the Far Eastern LNG trade, including the LNG Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn, Libra and Virgo. Just 29 computer-located floodlights are needed to adequately illuminate each of the giant liquified natural gas tankers operated by the Energy Transportation Group. The combination of Phoenix's exclusive "CALL" system and wide selection of UL listed Super Rough Service floodlights and searchlights might provide the answer to your lighting problems — ashore or afloat. Call us or write for details. PNOENIX* PRODUCTS COMPANY. INC. 4785 NORTH 27th STREET, MILWAUKEE, Wl 53209 (414) 445-4100 Turbulence, abrasives and friction can all be working away at your rudder bearings without you knowing it. Until it's too late. That's why it's wise to assume that your rudder bearings will always be getting rough treatment. Then you can prepare for it. With Thordon installed. Whether it's at the pintle, the stock or the steering gear, Thordon delivers better perform- ance than anything else you're using now. Consider shock-resistance. A sudden impact that would crack a phenolic or deform a bronze bearing has no effect on Thordon. It absorbs the shock and bounces back. Consider steering torque. It's less with Thordon, thanks to its lower co-efficient of friction. Consider service. Thordon raw stock is warehoused in 50 countries around the world. So wherever there's a Thordon distributor and a lathe, there's a Thordon rudder bearing. Cut the odds on premature rudder bearing failure. Get all the facts on Thordon, and start betting on a sure thing. HinifJuri IT WORKS HMD. VOU REST EHSV. WRITE FOR COMPLETE PERFORMANCE DETAILS TO: © WAUKESHA BEARINGS CORPORATION P.O. Box 798 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187 U.S.A. Telephone: (414) 547-3381/Telex: 26759 Willis will report to Richard Carleton, D&P's director of ma- rine engineering. Mr. Willis has been employed for the past 16 years as a marine engineer with the Naval Sea Sys- tems Command and its predeces- sor organizations. His most re- cent assignment was as section head of the machinery systems in the systems engineering divi- sion of the Ship Design Direc- torate. $238.6-Million Contract Modification To Ingalis For Aegis Cruisers Ingalis Shipbuilding Division, Litton Systems Incorporated, Pas- cagoula, Miss., has been awarded a $238,681,000 contract modifica- tion for long lead time material and equipment for FY-83 AEGIS cruisers. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024- 81-C-2049). American Lohmann Offers Free Literature On Mobile Gearboxes American Lohmann Corpora- tion, Hillside, NJ, is offering free literature on their mobile gear- boxes. These units are available with output torques to 3.7 million foot pounds with ratios to 500:1. Track drives, swing gears and wheel motors used with hydrau- lic or electric motors are extreme- ly compact. Available design op- tions include brakes, dual inputs, right angle inputs, and choice of mountings. Winch drives can be supplied with drum and supporting frame. Pump splitter boxes distribute power to several hydraulic pumps. Carbuized, hardened precision- ground gears assure maximum strength and reliability. For additional information and free literature on American Lohmann's mobile gearboxes, Write 39 on Reader Service Card E-Systems Receives New Navy Orders- Valued At $20.1-Million E-Systems Incorporated, Com- munications Manufacturing Divi- sion, St. Petersburg, Fla., has received new U.S. Navy orders totaling $20.1 million for con- tinued production of AN/WSC-3 "whiskey-3" UHF shipboard com- munications terminals. The order represents the fourth year's portion of a five-year con- tract awarded by the Naval Elec- tronics Systems Command in early 1980. Total orders to date under the program are about $70 million. The terminals provide long- haul tactical communications through the Department of De- fense Fleet Satellite Communica- tions System and also provide line-of-sight communications ca- pability with other ships and air- craft. Some units have only line- of-sight communications capabil- ity. Write 398 on Reader Service Card Write 590 on Reader Service Card Write 638 on Reader Service Card