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1983 RTCM - A PREVIEW - f •MR ' " 1WWI ISV" -m . mm mm •»' Savannah River, Savannah, Ga. The Radio Technical Commis- sion for Maritime Services (RTCM) will hold its 1983 An- nual Assembly Meeting April 17- 20 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Savannah, Ga. The Assembly is being hosted by the United States Power Squadrons. During the Assembly there will be special committee meetings and some 26 technical papers will be presented, based on the theme "Maritime Telecommunications— Today and Tomorrow." The RTCM was established in 1947 as a government/industry organization under the aegis of the Department of State. In 1972, after passage of the Federal Ad- visory Committee Act, it became a Federal Advisory Committee chartered by the Federal Com- munications Commission. Today, it is structured as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. Today's RTCM is a streamlined version of the original RTCM and has inherited its mantle. All seg- ments of the marine field—gov- ernment, private industry, labor, environmentalists, consumers — are partners in providing a broad- based overview of the industry. In the interest of Federal econ- omies, government agencies no longer provide funding; however, as a privately supported organi- zation, RTCM's goals remain the same: ". . . to advance the tech- nical quality and professional ap- plication of maritime telecommu- nications for the benefit of all concerned . . ." "Telecommunications" as used by RTCM means any transmis- sion, emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images, and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical, and other electromagnetic or visual systems. Membership in RTCM is open to all United States citizens and organizations having an interest in furthering the objectives of RTCM. Associate membership is open to foreign citizens and or- ganizations. Technical Papers The technical papers will be presented each day, April 18 through April 20, in eight ses- sions. Following the technical sessions the electronic manufac- turer's equipment display area will be open. The papers to be presented are: "The Federal Government's Ra- dionavigation Planning Process" by David C. Scull, U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation. "The Evolution of the Ship- board Automated Information Logger (SAIL) System" by Law- rence W. Moore, Environmental Research and Technology Incor- porated. "The MarAd Program for Up- grading Reserve Fleet Telecom- munications Capabilities" by James C. McCoy, U.S. Maritime Administration. "Marine Weather Programs" by J.W. Nickerson, U.S. National Weather Service. "The QOSPAS/SARSAT Pro- gram — A summary of Perform- ance of the 406 MHz System" by D. Levesque and Ph. Goudy, Centre National d'Etudes Spati- ales (CNES), France. "United Kingdom Overview of the Results of WARC 83" by Dr. K.A. Hughes, Home Office, Di- rectorate of Radio Technology, United Kingdom. "FCC Maritime Mobile Activi- ties" by Charles Fisher, Federal Communications Commission. "The National Marine Elec- tronics Association" by C.S. Carney, Nav-Com Inc. "Navy / Merchant Ship Inter- operability — Today, Tomorrow, and the Future" by E.J. Bender, Comsat General TeleSystems. "Gaps in Infrastructure Com- munications in Maritime Commu- nications and Distress" by Col. J.D. Parker, United Kingdom. "Medical Advice Through Mar- itime Telecommunications" by Bob Matte, Medical Advisory Systems. "A Synthetic Narrow-Band Filter that Exhibits Unity Q (0 Group Delay) Characteristics with Application to Loran-C Sig- nal Enhancement" by Les Bro- deur, Sanders Associates. "COSPAS/SARSAT — Current Status, Summary of Results, and Outlook" by Thomas E. McGuni- gal, U.S. National Aeronautics & Space Administration. "Current Status of the Iono- spheric Refraction Correction Algorithm for Single-Frequency Doppler Navigation" by W.J. Geckle, The John Hopkins Uni- versity, Applied Physics Labora- tory. "Development of Digital Selec- tive Calling in Norway" by P. (continued on page 15) 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News