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Diaz Elected President Of Greater New Orleans Barge Fleeting Association Captain Ralph Diaz was re- cently elected president of the Greater New Orleans Barge Fleet- ing Association at the associa- tion's recent meeting. The asso- ciation represents 46 barge and fleet operations in the New Or- leans area. Captain Diaz is operations manager for towing and fleeting with T. Smith & Son, Inc., New Orlean's largest and oldest steve- doring firm. Before joining T. Smith & Son, he was a captain in the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, and at present holds the rank of lieu- tenant colonel, Corps of Engi- neer Army Reserve. A graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, and a mechanical engineer, Captain Diaz holds an uninspected towing vessel license, unlimited tonnage, for Inland Wa- ters and Western Rivers of the U.S. Other officers of the associa- tion elected include: Ed Haskel, vice president (Jefferson Parish Fleet) ; Richard Paquette, secre- tary (Riverways Harbor Serv- ices, Inc.) ; Scott Noble, treasurer (Capital Marine, Inc.) ; directors: Richard Cottingham (Federal- Triangle, Inc.) ; Steve Canone (T. Smith & Son, Inc.), and Bruce Hancock (SCNO Terminal Corp.). The Marine Society Of The City Of New York To Hold 213th Annual Dinner The 213th annual dinner of The Marine Society of the City of New York will be held on Mon- day, April 11, 1983, at the Plaza Hotel, New York City. John J. Farrell, president of the Interna- tional Terminal Operating Com- pany, Inc., will be the honored guest and speaker. Reservations for the dinner, which will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza following a reception from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., may be made by calling the secretary at The Marine Society office—(212) 425-0448. Capt. Conrad P. Nilsen is chairman of the dinner com- mittee. Navy Awards Tracor $4.6-Million Contract For Submarine Program Tracor, Inc., of Austin, Texas, announced recently that its Ap- plied Sciences Group has received an initial $4.6-million contract with a potential value in excess of $9.9-million over the next two years from the Naval Sea Sys- tems Command. The contract is for continued engineering and technical support for the Navy's strategic and attack submarine fleet. William C. Moyer, group vice president for Tracor Applied Sci- ences, said Tracor's effort is di- rected at providing the engineer- ing disciplines and technology necessary for the development and implementation of dedicated maintenance and modernization programs to support the sub- marine Extended Operating Cycle (EOC) concept. The submarine EOC program extends the inter- val between submarine overhauls to achieve a higher, stabilized level of deployed submarines and maintains a high state of readi- ness. According to Mr. Moyer, Tracor has been providing engineering and technical support to the sub- marine EOC program since its inception in 1974. William M. Pugh, division vice president of the Systems Tech- nology Division of Tracor Ap- plied Sciences, announced that D.L. Campbell will continue as program manager for the con- tract. The work will be performed in Rockville, Md., under the di- rection of L.B. Cable Jr., and in Groton, Conn., under the direc- tion of M.P. Hall. The do anything shipyard. Design Our design and engineering staff of over 2,000 provides sound, professional solutions to technical problems. Construction We have built more than 700 ships...tankers, cargo vessels, passenger liners, LNG carriers, ULCCs. We have the experience to plan major jobs so they are completed on time, on budget. Repair We can do any emergency or routine repair job. No one is better able to handle unexpected work discovered during the job Conversion / Jumboizing One of our strengths. We can convert/jumboize any ship to meet specific needs and market requirements. Our experience includes self-unloading coal colliers, heavy lift ships, passenger ships, molten sulfur carriers and all other forms of bulk tankers. No job is beyond our capabilities. Retrofit We design, install and test inert gas, segregated ballast and fire protection systems, collision avoidance aids and other mandated modifications. We also install sanitation systems to latest Coast Guard requirements. We are truly the do anything shipyard. Call us. Newport News Shipbuilding. Newport News, Virginia 23607. (804) 380-2600/Telex 82-3453/ TWX 710-880-0007. Please send me your new brochure on ship repair, conversions, jumboizing and upgrading to IMCO requirements. Company Address City State Zip Newport News Ltenneco | Shipbuilding ATenneco Company MR 383 | March 1, 1983 Write 7532 on Reader Service Card 63