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I TOWMASTER™ Michigan Wheel Corporation The ultimate in maneuverability. Virtually any vessel operating with a ducted propeller system can realize impressive gains in overall turning efficiency and ma- neuvering with a Michigan Wheel Towmaster Rudder System. The heart of every Towmaster System involves the utilization of three high aspect ratio rudders. Individually, each Towmaster rud- der produces a higher lift to drag ratio than conventional center- line rudders. Collectively, Towmaster's triple rudders create flow variations on themselves—a cascade effect—which permits 50 helm angles before rudder stall occurs. The result is im- pressive. Research documents Based upon single ^crew results that when a Towmaster System is compared with fixed nozzle and cpen propeller systems, turning diameters are routinely reduced by 90% and 65%. respectively. When increased maneuverability and station keeping capability can lower operational costs and increase vessel profitability ana safety, the logic of installing a Michigan Wheel Towmaster Rud- der Svstem becomes clear. The original Towmaster System was introduced in 1967 by the respected marine design firm Burness, Corlett & Part- ners, Ltd. (BCP). Now that Michigan Wheel Corp. (an industry innovator for over 75 years)possesses the exclusive domestic sales and design rights to the Towmaster System, North American ship operators can take advantage of the combined technological exper- tise of Michigan Wheel and 8CP. To discover how over one hundred Towmaster Rudder Sys- tems have weathered the severe tests of time with virtually trouble- free performance, and how Tow- master technology could improve the maneuverability of your vessel, contact: Michigan Wheel, 1501 Buchanan Ave. S.W., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49507. Telephone: 1 616 452-6941. Telex: 22-6444. January 15, 1983 Write 263 on Reader Service Card 13