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"It's the greatest thing to happen to our industry since water." —Local Tugboat Pilot Standard wire rope is stiffer and harder to work with. After years of in- novative designing and extensive research I & I Sling has developed a revolutionary wire rope that's over 3 times more flexible, which helps to reduce kinking, and costs less than standard galvanized wire rope. We call it Tri-Flex® wire rope. You'll call it the ideal wire rope for winch operation. With Tri-Flex® wire rope, your crew can stop strug- gling with heavy, stiff and bulky lines. In fact,Tri-Flex®wire rope is so flexible, splicing can be done by crew members aboard ship. (Instructions are in- cluded with each order.) And you can lower the expense of replacing frequently broken rope so often. I&I Sling's Tri-Flex® wire rope is causing a mutiny in the industry. Every pilot and crew member who has tried it has unanimously praised and reordered it when, finally, the time came to replace it. Don't miss the revolution. Give us a call and we'll send you testimonials from our many more-than-satisfied customers plus more information on Tri-Flex® It's the wire rope that'll sink the competition. With Tri-Flex wire rope, splicing can be done bv crew members aboard ship. Free! Maritime Riggers Manual Just fill out this coupon and we'll send you a valuable, pocket-size manual you'll use time and again. Company City Business Phone 2626 Market Street, Dept. D Aston, PA 19014 215/485-8500 Call toll free: 1-800-TRI-FLF.X Sling Company9 MR January 15, 1983 Write 732 on Reader Service Card 7