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Dixilyn-Field To Use Hydranautics Equipment On Jackup Rig 87 Hydranautics Hydraulic Sys- tems, Goleta, Calif., has an- nounced that Dixilyn-Field's Rig 87, which is capable of drilling to 25,000 feet in water depths up to 300 feet, will use two Hydranau- tics 350-ton pin claw jacking as- semblies for cantilever skidding and two Hydranautics 125-ton pin claw jacking assemblies for drill floor skidding. The equipment is already installed on the Leving- ston Class 111-C jackup and is undergoing commissioning by Dixilyn-Field. The rig is under contract to Mobil for drilling off the coast of Nigeria. According to Hydranautics, the installation includes a composite power unit and control console that will operate all of the hy- draulic power tools. Alnor Instrument Publishes Brochure On New Engine Temperature Monitors A new four-page color brochure detailing the operations, features, and applications of a series of temperature analyzing instru- ments for diesel, natural-gas and gasoline-powered reciprocating engines has been published by the Alnor Instrument Company, Niles, 111. Here's how five shipbuilders and owners fight corrosion with Ameron marine coatings. Ameron marine coatings meet quick turnaround requirements of tuna fishing vessel owners with high-performance coatings like Dimetcote® E-Z II, a new generation inorganic zinc in single-package formulation which reduces application labor costs and is easily applied. Commercial vessels around the world depend on Ameron marine coatings like Amercoat® 70, a controlled-release flaked copper coating with economical anti- fouling protection benefits. Barges protected by exterior Dimetcote/Amercoat marine coatings are also protected by interior tank lining systems like Amercoat 64/386. This cpoxy system resists a broad range of chemicals and solvents. The world's first fleet of 326,000 DWT Very Large Crude Carriers depended on the world's leading inorganic zinc primer, Dimetcote 3, as the foundation for an effective marine coatings system which produced dramatic economic benefits. Find out how Ameron marine coatings can help you fight corrosion effectively. Write Ameron Protective Coatings Division, 201 North Berry Street, Brea, California 92621 for infor- mation or call (714) 529-1951. Ameron PCD81-9 The brochure highlights the Micro 5300 Series engine temper- ature monitoring system offered in five different models: single engine, dual engine, engine-com- pressor, single turbine, and dual turbine. The new instruments feature high-speed scan rates, temperature averaging and devi- ation analysis as well as exten- sive alarm capabilities for imme- diate detection of abnormal en- gine operating conditions. Designed to continuously moni- tor and display engine and turbine cylinder exhaust temperatures from engine startup through peak, the Micro 5300 scans up to 32 temperature zones at the rate of 60 inputs per second. Other engine temperatures, such as lu- bricating oil, cooling water and turbocharger and intake air, also may be monitored to warn of deviation from normal. A full-color diagram explains features on the front panel, in- cluding 10-digit LED display, separate high-temperature and deviation alarm settings, and ad- justable display rate knob. A memory circuit stores the read- ings as soon as an alarm is trig- gered, for later recall and analy- sis. Specifications are listed in the brochure, including dimensions, temperature range, accuracy, and power consumption. For a free copy of Alnor Micro 5300 brochure TM-23, Write 32 on Reader Service Card Appoint Phillip Wright Managing Director Of Burnside Marine Terminal Phillip J. Wright Phillip J. Wright has been ap- pointed managing director of Burnside Marine Terminal, Burn- side, La. The announcement was made recently by Charles F. Jacques, vice president, Ormet Corporation, the parent company of Burnside Terminal. "We are delighted to have a person of Mr. Wright's profes- sional background and manage- ment experience," Mr. Jacques said. Mr. Wright has 25 years' experience in marine transporta- tion, terminal management, and as a sales executive. He was grad- uated from the University of Ten- nessee and served as a ship's of- ficer and stevedore in the U.S. Army. 42 Write 351 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News