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It cuts through the water with 8,000 horses, but the power from its engines are only a small part of the story. The decision to ship by this Tug and Barge was really made by the power of economics. The rails couldn't compete; that's why you chose the sea. At Bulkfleet Marine, our heavy-oil engines reduce normal operating costs by 30%. At the same time, hi-tech engineering raises deliverable deadweight tonnage to rival the average payloads of road, rail and domestic tramp ship combined. Lower costs and bigger payloads. When the decisions are made to move bulk commodities, Bulkfleet has the edge. Bulkfleet Marine. Where transportation begins. More Powerful Than A Locomotive Bulkfleet Marine Corporation 550 South Post Oak Road Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77027 (713) 840-1100 Telex: 792-049 TWX: 910-881-5562 November 15, 1981 Write 134 on Reader Service Card 59