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New Booklet Available On Complete Seaward Line Of Buoys And Floats Seaward International has pub- lished a new 32-page booklet on its complete line of Sea Float marine buoys and floats. This booklet includes complete speci- fications, such as net buoyancy, weight and diameter, on each type and model of buoy and float. The booklet's catalog format sim- Ameron marine coatings meet quick turnaround requirements of tuna fishing vessel owners with high-performance coatings like Dimetcote® E-Z II, a new generation inorganic zinc in single-package formulation which reduces application labor costs and is easily applied. Commercial vessels around the world depend on Ameron marine coatings like Amercoat® 70, a controlled-release flaked copper coating with economical anti- fouling protection benefits. Barges protected by exterior Dimetcote/Amercoat marine 32 plifies buoy selection, and the separate section of alternate end fittings adds design flexibility. Sea Floats are resilient surface floats for marine and offshore ap- plications. Typical applications in- clude use as anchor pendant buoys for offshore pipelaying and crane barges, semisubmersible drilling and workover rigs; use as chain support buoys for single point mooring buoy pick-up lines or hoses; mooring buoys, and marker buoys. Seaward Interna- coatings arc also protected by interior tank lining systems like Amercoat 64/386. This cpoxy system resists a broad range of chcmicals and solvents. The world's first fleet of 326,000 DWT Very Large Crude tional also manufactures a line of floats providing subsurface buoyancy to 400 feet of sub- mergence — the Deepfloat. The Sea Float buoy was devel- oped based upon the technology of Seaward International's Sea Cushion® foam-filled fender. These buoys are constructed with a rugged filament reinforced elas- tomer outer hull. Inside the Sea Float are two types of closed-cell foam. The outer layer is semi- flexible to help absorb impacts. Carriers depended on the world's leading inorganic zinc primer, Dimetcote 3, as the foundation for an effective marine coatings system which produced dramatic economic benefits. Find out how Ameron marine coatings can help you fight corrosion effectively. Write Ameron Protective Coatings Division, 201 North Berry Street, Brea, California 92621 for infor- mation or call (714) 529-1951. Ameron The inner layer is rigid foam, which bonds to the central strength member. To receive a copy of the new four-color booklet, Write 25 on Reader Service Card Logue Joins Longhorn As Regional Geophysicist Hugh A. Logue has been ap- pointed regional geophysicist, a newly created position, for Long- horn Oil and Gas Company, Okla- homa City, Okla., privately held independent exploration and pro- duction firm active both onshore and offshore, primarily in the Gulf Coast, Midcontinent and Rocky Mountain areas of the United States. Mr. Logue will be involved with geophysical operations in the Texas Gulf Coast. He will be based in the company's Opera- tions Headquarters in Houston, reporting to Rex D. Womack, Longhorn's chief geophysicist. Longhorn has corporate offices in the Oil Center Complex in Okla- homa City. Stewart/Stevenson Equips Two Drilling Units With Hydranautics Systems Hydranautics Hydraulic Sys- tems, Goleta, Calif., announced recently that two of Stewart/ Stevenson's inland drill barges will each be equipped with a Hydranautics drill floor skidding system consisting of four 150-ton mechanical Pin Claw Base as- semblies and a control console. The two semisubmersibles are the first in the industry to be de- signed with a drill floor that can be moved both longitudinally and transversely. The first of the two submersi- bles is already being operated by Temple Drilling Company, Hous- ton, Texas, near Freeport, Texas. The second, for Phoenix Man- agement, Houston, will be used for drilling in Texas, Louisiana, and in the Gulf of Mexico. Publish Brochure On Protective Covers Griffolyn Company of Hous- ton, Texas, a division of Reef Industries, Inc., has published a brochure detailing the applica- tions and specifications of its line of nylon-reinforced polyethy- lene sheetings. Photographs of applications and specification charts for the company's three, five, and seven-ply covers are in- cluded. The sheets are used for shipping and storage protection, stockpile covers, crate and con- tainer linings, warehouse and cargo space dividers, paint and welding booth curtains, work shelters and enclosures, and pit and lagoon liners. For a free copy of the Griffolyn brochure, Write 35 on Reader Service Card Write 210 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Here's how five shipbuilders and owners fight corrosion with Ameron marine coatings.