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Gastech '81 (Continued from page 24) Deutsche Richard Kablitz Dragerwerk Dyckerhoff & Widmann Erdoel & Erdgas Zeitschift Erdol & Kohle, Erdgas Petrochemie F.W. Fox G + H Montage Gefahrliche Ladung Germanischer Lloyd Guide Regelarmaturen HDW Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft HANSA Hamburger Rohrbogenwerk IBAK Helmut Hunger IWK Regler und Kompensatoren KAEFER Isotiertechnik Kloeckner Fluessiggastanklager Kloeckner Werke KOWAT LGA Gastechnik Linde Marine Service MCK Reactor Service Messer Griesheim Jos. L. Meyer Neles Offshore LNG Systems Herbert Ott Vertriebs Pintsch-Bamag Gastechnik Pipeline Engineering Rheinhold + Mahla Regel & Messtechnik Seehafen-Verlag Erik Blumenfeld S.T. Stahl & Technik Thyssen Nordseewerke VIA VTA Westerwalder Eisenwerk Gerhard AG Weser W.I.M. Witzenmann Zelleweger Uster/Sieger Award $2.9-Million Navy PSA Contract To Todd Six U.S. Navy contracts total- ing $2.9 million for advance plan- ning and procurement to support post shakedown availability (PSA) work on six guided mis- sile frigates (FFGs) have been awarded to Todd Pacific Ship- yards Corporation, Lennart M. Thorell, vice president and gen- eral manager, Los Angeles Divi- sion, announced recently. These contracts cover prelimi- nary work on the frigates con- structed at Todd's Los Angeles shipyard which will return later for PSA work valued at approxi- mately $45 million. The new contracts are in addi- tion to four PSA contracts cur- rently held or completed by Todd Pacific Los Angeles. The first PSA contract completed at Los Angeles on the USS Wadsworth (FFG-9) was completed on sched- ule and under cost by approxi- mately 12 percent. The second PSA on the USS George Philip (FFG-12) is in progress and is expected to be completed two weeks ahead of the contract de- livery date and significantly un- der contract cost. The company believes this successful record can be sustained throughout the remaining PSA contracts to be completed. October 1, 1981 Cunningham Marine Opens Jacksonville Repair Plant Cunningham Marine Hydrau- lics Co., Inc., Hoboken, N.J., re- cently opened a hydraulic equip- ment repair facility in Jackson- ville, Fla. The new shop, which is now in operation, is located at 2030 East Adams Street near the Jacksonville Port Authority and Jacksonville's ship repair facili- ties. The new repair facility is an independent unit with its own machine shop, test stand, and other equipment necessary for efficient, reliable service. Michael Bradford, currently manager of engineering at Hoboken, will be responsible for overall manage- ment of the Jacksonville unit. Joseph Oliver, a service engineer with CMH for the past seven years, will manage the service operations of the unit. Military Charters Two Farrell Ships Farrell Lines has withdrawn two of its barge-carrying LASH ships from its West Coast service to Australia and New Zealand, and has chartered them to the Military Sealift Command, with their full complement of barges. The ships, the Austral Lightnight and Austral Rainbow, are being repositioned on the East Coast for delivery to the MSC. The Jetfoil travels at a smooth 43 knots_even in rough seas. That's fast enough to double or even triple your total of daily roundtrips. And it's reliable. Since 1975, the Jetfoil has carried more than 10 million passengers over 500 million passenger miles. For all the details, write /§WJ4M3FJA/A