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JPQL ply and crewboats that are being used to service offshore oil and gas drilling and production oper- ations in the Gulf. Positioned on the north bank of the ship chan- nel just west of Corpus Christi Public Elevator, the drydock will haul out vessels of up to 200 feet in length. It will accommodate vesels up to 62 feet wide, and some larger barges will extend from either end of the drydock. This will allow work such as changing shafts and propellers, repairing hulls, painting, repower- ing, and doing annual inspections. "This facility adds a new di- mension to the type of mainte- nance service that will be avail- able to the south Texas marine industry," said Corpus Christi port director Harry Plomarity. Corpus Christi Gets Its First Floating Drydock The first floating drydock in Texas south of Houston was launched (photo above) at the Port of Corpus Christi recently. The facility has the capacity to lift boats and barges weighing up to 1,300 tons, and is operated by Jay Bludworth Inc. The first ves- sel hauled out for repairs on the 108-foot drydock was the Philip K, a Corpus Christi harbor tug- boat that was designed by Mr. Bludworth five years ago. Mr. Bludworth anticipates that most of his business will come from the growing number of sup- Brochure Available From Stacey Valve On Its Spectacle Line Blinds Stacey Valve Company, Brook- lyn, N.Y., is offering a catalog that gives detailed specifications and operating features of its 601- AJ Spectacle Line Blind. This blind, particularly suited for ship- board fuel and liquid cargo lines, is said to provide positive dead- tight shutoff in piping from 2 to 18 inches. With the Stacey 601-AJ blind, opening is accomplished by a sin- gle turn of three bolts. The spec- tacle is rotated to the desired position—with either the "blind" plate or the full-bore "open" plate in the pipeline—and the bolts are retightened. A short steel bar or pipe is the only tool required. The exposed plate of the spectacle in- dicates the status of the blind at a glance, even from a distance, a valuable safety and mainte- nance feature. For a free copy of Stacey's Catalog No. SB-280, Write 45 on Reader Service Card The Easy Way To Separate Oil & Water Microphor's Oily Water Separator Our new Oily Water Separator utilizes the straight coalesc- ing method to remove oil from bilge water. As a result of gravity separation through a series of chambers, discharge water exceeds U.S. Coast Guard requirements. Compact shape makes for easy fitting and handling on- board. Corrosion and oxidation resistance means longer service life. Requires no messy and expensive filter changes. Capacities in system sizes range from 1 to 1,322 gallons per hour. IMC0 Approved & USCG Certified Vs. 44 452 East Hill Road • P.O. Box 490 • Willits, CA 95490 (707) 459-5563 • Telex 330470 Write 397B on Reader Service Card J TAYLOR PALLISTER & CO. LTD. MARINE ENGINEERS GATESHEAD England NE11 9HX ATTENTION! TANKER OWNERS-OPERATORS REDUCE YOUR TURNAROUND WITH: TAYLOR PALLISTER EQUIPMENT FOR SINGLE POINT MOORING SYSTEMS FAIRLEADS - 16" WAIST DIAMETER PEDESTAL TYPE GUN METAL BUSHED ROLLER ON CIR- CULAR CAST STEEL BASE WITH HORN MOUNTED ON STRAIGHT OR CONICAL STOOL. BOW STOPPERS - STEEL, FOR 76 MM CHAIN. WITH OR WITHOUT SEATING. PANAMA BOWS - CAST STEEL, 600 X 450 MM INSIDE FOR BULWARK MOUNTING IN FLAT OR CURVED PLATE. CODE 'MISSISSIPPI'. TWO OF EACH REQUIRED PER SHIP. BOLLARDS - CRUCIFORM, FOR HOSE HANDLING IN A VARIETY OF SIZES. For Further Information Please Contact Exclusive U.S.A. Agents: ATCO MARINE CORPORATION 603 Dean Street Brooklyn, New York 11238 Tel. (212) 857-1050 Telex 223357 ATCO Write 122 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News