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Petromar Seeks Title XI On Six Tug/Supply Vessels To Cost $31.2 Million Total Petromar International, Ltd., P.O. Box 967, Rockport, Texas, has applied to the Maritime Ad- ministration for a Title XI guar- antee to aid in financing the con- struction of six tug/supply ves- sels. The 193-foot-long, diesel- powered vessels are being built by Halter Marine, Inc., New Or- leans, La., with deliveries sched- uled through June 1981. They will be operated in the Gulf of Mexico. The requested guarantee is for $27,300,000, or 87V2 percent of the vessels' total estimated ac- tual cost of $31,200,000. Macan Offshore Seeks Title XI On Two Jackups To Cost $61.5 Million Macan Offshore Ltd., Houston, has applied to the Maritime Ad- ministration for a Title XI guar- antee to aid in financing the con- struction of two jackup drilling rigs capable of operating in water up to 150 feet deep and intended for operation in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Vemar, Inc., Channelview, Tex- as, has been proposed to build the rigs, with deliveries in March and July 1982. The requested guarantee is for $46,125,000 or 75 percent of the $61,500,000 estimated actual cost of the rigs. Marathon LeTourneau, C-E And Sea Tank Form New Company Artist's drawing of a Sea Plex Corpora- tion retrievable, bottom-supported drill- ing / production / storage facility as it would look on site. Three major energy-related companies have formed Sea Plex Corporation of Tulsa to provide the offshore industry with re- trievable, bottom-supported drill- ing/ production/storage facilities specifically designed to exploit fields that had been considered April 15, 1981 marginal. These facilities will op- erate in water depths up to 500 feet, according to John A. Haeb- er, executive vice president and general manager of Sea Plex, which is jointly owned by Com- bustion Engineering, Inc., Stam- ford, Conn.; Sea Tank Company, Rungis, France; and Marathon LeTourneau Offshore Company, Houston. The Sea Plex system is de- signed to meet operator require- ments for lower total investment in marginal field development and earlier cash flow. Each facility will incorporate a field-proven Marathon LeTourneau Offshore jackup platform and a Sea Tank Company concrete storage cais- son base. The wellheads, tem- plates, tie-back systems along with other seafloor and surface components, as well as produc- tion processing equipment, will be supplied by Combustion Engi- neering's subsidiaries C-E Vetco, Gray Tool Company, and C-E Natco. In addition to being retrievable upon field depletion for relocation to other marginal fields, the Sea Plex facility is designed to arrive on site in a complete, functional state. This capability will permit virtually immediate full-time, on- station drilling, workover, and production operations with a min- imum set-up time. THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION • WORLD LEADERS IN SHIPBOARD CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEMS • OFFICES, AGENTS & STOCKPOINTS AROUND THE WORLD! • OVERNIGHT DELIVERIES TO MAJOR PORTS! • WORLDWIDE SALES & SERVICE! • EXPERIENCED ENGINEERS & TECHNICIANS SPECIALIZING IN ALOLINE & ZINCOLINE GALVANIC ANODES AOUAMATIC IMPRESSED CURRENT SYSTEMS ELECTROLINE DESCALING SYSTEMS PIPELINE CORROSION CONTROL MARTIN HI-JETS TANK VENTING EQUIPMENT ULTRASONIC SURVEYING INERT GAS SYSTEMS CRUDE OIL WASHING MACHINES SHIP REPAIR AT SEA WILSON ELSAN MARINE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS DESIGN CONSULTATION SERVICE AND SURVEYS OF ALL SYSTEMS Wilson, Walton Intornatbnal MARINE CORROSION ENGINEERS CALL US WE CAN MEET YOUR NEEDS 1804 Ninth Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70062 Telephone (504)469-1511 66 Hudson Street Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Telephone: N.Y. (2121227-6657 N.J (201)795-2044 Branch Offices: United Kingdom, Norway, France, Germany, Holland, I taly, Spain, Japan, Australia, Greece, Singapore, Portugal Write 416 on Reader Service Card TELEX 1 25919 CABLE WAZEDENS Cutless rubber bearings need only a thin film of water to keep propeller C shafts rotating smoothly and efficiently. An exclusive "water wedge" design keeps a thin layer of *water between the bearing and shaft. In effect the load is floating on the lubricating film. Shaft friction and horsepower losses are minimal. Water does the job. And there's not a drop of oil or grease to worry about contaminating the waterways. Trouble-free Cutless marine bearings from Lucian Q. Moffitt, use them for maintenance or new construction. LUCIAN MOFflTT,INC. NATIONAL and INTERNA 1JONAL DISTRIBUTORS P. 0. Box 1415, AKRON, OHIO 44309 Write 271 on Reader Service Card 53