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Newport News Yard Gets $66.9-Million Navy Contract For Work On Submarine Newport News Shipbuilding, a Tenneco Company, has been awarded a $66.9-million Navy contract to repair, overhaul, and refuel the nuclear-powered, bal- listic missile submarine USS La- fayette (SSBN-616). The Naval Sea Systems Command is the contracting activity. Racal Electronics Plans To Acquire Full Ownership Of ITT Decca Marine A new organization was an- nounced recently for the market- ing and servicing of all Racal- Decca Marine products in the United States. A joint Racal Elec- tronics-ITT statement said that Racal, the international electron- ics group that acquired the Decca companies last year, is in the final stages of securing total owner- ship of ITT Decca Marine, Inc., based in Palm Coast, Fla. The deal is expected to be completed shortly, pending certain formal governmental approvals. David Paculabo, marine direc- tor of Racal-Decca, stated: "The setting up of the new organiza- tion shows our determination to increase and broaden our marine business throughout the United States. Racal-Decca will remain strong in radar, particularly deep- sea and small boat radar. We have already started a develop- ment program for a completely new range of products to be launched within two years. Mean- while, we will intensify the mar- keting of our current marine products." The new organization, to be re- named Racal-Decca Marine, Inc., will take over the complete busi- ness operations carried out by ITT-Decca Marine, jointly owned by Racal-Decca ITT under a 50/ 50 partnership agreement. Racal- Decca is now acquiring the ITT half share to give it 100 percent ownership of ITT Decca Marine. The new organization will have close liaison with Racal-Decca Survey, Inc. of Houston, which provides a full range of products for the offshore oil industry. J.M. Culbert To Head Gulf Coast Operations For Line Fast Corp. Line Fast Corporation, Hol- brook, N.Y., designers and manu- facturers of container securing and handling equipment, has an- nounced the appointment of Capt. Joseph M. Culbert Jr. as manager of its Gulf Coast operations. He will be responsible for the coordi- nation of all sales in the Gulf Coast area. Captain Culbert will be located c/o J.S. Sareussen Ma- rine Supply, 870 South Peters Street, New Orleans, La. 70130. March 15, 1981 45 Waste Heat Recovery Handbook Available From American-Standard A newly published heat recov- ery handbook gives comprehen- sive information on using heat exchangers to recover waste heat for re-use. The handbook, pub- lished by American Standard Heat Transfer Division, gives de- tails of a series of case histories with schematics of actual instal- lations where industrial compa- nies have used fan-type, shell- and-tube or plate-type heat trans- fer to collect "waste" heat for re-use. The case histories, which in- clude applications from process heat re-use to facility space heat- ing, describe operating parame- ters, heat exchanger installation information, and payback periods. The handbook also includes a glossary of heat transfer/heat re- cover terminology, and details of American-Standard shell-and- tube, fan-type, and plate-type heat exchangers, and has infor- mation about selecting the cor- rect type of unit for a specific heat recovery application. For a free copy of the heat re- covery handbook, Write 33 on Reader Service Card 1HE HUGHES TOMNECHON m NOW! with their EXTENDED ICC CERTIFICATE, HUGHES connects the East and Gulf Coasts, expanding the EXPERTISE developed in over 80 years of specialization in the transportation of MASSIVE PRODUCTS and FULLY ASSEMBLED FABRICATIONS too big or heavy to move by rail or truck. HUGHES now offers through service on barges with capacities up to 9500 tons to customers shipping between the Gulf and East Coasts. All inquiries without obligation. ^MllLES HUGHES SERVICE FOR OVER 80 YEARS CLEARING HOUSE FOR MARINE DIFFICULTIES SINCE 1884 • 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK N.Y. 10004 • (212) 425-2350 Write 217 on Reader Service Card