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Naval Civilian Administrators Establish New Chapter The Naval Civilian Adminis- trators Association (NCAA) has announced the establishment of a new chapter at the Polaris Mis- sile Facility, Atlantic, and the Na- val Weapons Station in Charles- ton, S.C. The officers shown above (L to R) after receiving their charter are: secretary treasurer Lynn Lamb, who is head of the Management Analyses Division, Naval Weapons Station; presi- dent Harold Harken, head of the Data Processing Department of the Polaris Missile Facility; trust- ees Curtis Yant, civilian person- nel officer for the Polaris Missile Facility and the Naval Weapons Station, and Jim Criddle, head of the Quality Assurance Depart- ment of the Polaris Missile Facil- NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE OR WHERE YOUR SHIP IS You know that satellite communications makes instant ship/shore contact possible. And that it can save you a lot of money on quick diversions, lower message costs, and more. 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NORWAY I Phone 47 2 78 80 60 teW. 11721 umeb n of engineers, scientists, adminis- trators, and other employees in- volved in the activities in which they are located. The purpose of the organization is to contribute to the management of the De- partment of the Navy. IOT Announces Two Management Appointments Adrian S. Hooper, chairman and chief executive officer of In- terstate and Ocean Transport Company, Philadelphia, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Natural Resources, Inc., has an- nounced that John T. Atkinson has been named vice president- financial administration and treasurer, and Heyward H. Cole- man has been named director of planning. Mr. Atkinson, prior to joining Interstate, was serving as man- ager of corporate planning of SONAT Exploration Company in Houston, another major subsid- iary of Southern Natural Re- sources. Mr. Coleman was previ- ously with Southern Natural Gas Company, also a major subsidi- ary of SNR, where he held a va- riety of positions, including proj- ects coordinator and executive assistant to the president. Interstate and Ocean Transport Company operates a fleet of 51 barges and 37 tugs between re- fineries and ports along the At- lantic and Gulf Coasts, and is one of the nation's largest marine transporters of petroleum prod- ucts. GE Awarded $5-Million Navy Contract For Gas Turbine Systems General Electric, Marine & In- dustrial Engine Products Divi- sion, Cincinnati, Ohio, is being awarded a $5,095,250 firm fixed- price contract for LM2500 Marine Gas Turbine Engine Systems and Free Standing Electronic Enclos- ure. The Naval Sea Systems Com- mand is the contracting activity. (N00024-81-C-5306) ity; honorary past president John Torlay, chief engineer of the Polaris Missile Facility; and vice president Ray Booker, comp- troller for the Naval Weapons Station. The NCAA is a national orga- nization of senior level managers employed in Navy civil service. The total membership is approxi- mately 600, organized into 13 chapters located in seven naval shipyards, three naval aviation activities, the Naval Ships En- gineering Center, the Naval Fa- cilities Engineering Command, and the Polaris Missile Facility/ Naval Weapons Station, Charles- ton. Because of the positions held by the members, they exercise re- sponsibility over many thousands Engine protection for smaller boats. The Alfa-LavalĀ® MAB centrifuge can keep your fuel and lube oil clean while at sea. Which means you decrease or even eliminate the need for lube oil changes. And you extend the life of bearings, cylinders, injectors... and keep your diesel engine in service longer. The MAB removes rust, dirt, and other contaminants, including sea water! And it does all this con- Photo courtesy of CVean Marine Services tinuously and efficiently. Units are compact, easy to install and main- tain. Thousands are in use world- wide aboard small fishing boats, supply vessels, tugs, work boats, etc. Send for new free bulletin. Write for further information about the full line of Alfa-Laval marine and offshore equipment. Alfa-Laval, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024. Phone 201-592-7800 for the name of your nearest Alfa-Laval February 15, 1981 Write 386 on Reader Service Card Write 109 on Reader Service Card 41