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Stop smoking. ITT Mackay now offers four ways to improve fuel efficiency. ITT Mackay, known on the bridge for reliable marine communications systems, now enters the engine room. Featuring equipment manu- factured by proven performers like the Wager Company and VAF Instruments, ITT Mackay now offers four products to meet your fuel con- servation needs. Smoke Indicator: Available in both visual and photoelectric mod- els, the Wager smoke indicator can distinguish between white and black smoke. It indicates, at a glance, the direction of changes to boiler controls. Combustion Optimizer: This unit fine tunes the air/fuel ratio of your automatic combustion control system. It receives input from an electronic smoke indicator or oxygen analyzer monitoring combustion gases. The result is a reduction in fluctuations around the desired con- trol point, permitting a much lower level of excess air while maintaining smoke-free operation. Viscotherm® Viscosity Control: The Viscotherm unit has been proven effective and reliable in both diesel and steam propulsion plants for 20 years. Fuel Metering: ITT Mackay offers both piston and vane type pos- itive displacement meters which can measure flows from 0.05 gal/hr (piston) to 425 gal/min (vane). If you're thinking about fuel con- servation systems, either retrofit or new construction, think ITT Mackay. To find out more about ITT's engine room products, call or write: ITT Mackay, Dept. 370, 2912 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27611. Or telephone (919) 829-3134. ITT Mackay Write 222 on Reader Service Card