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Port Of Portland Names Task Force To Aid Staff On Master Terminal Plan Port of Portland (Oregon) Com- mission president Joseph M. Ed- gar recently announced the ap- pointment of a citizens task force to aid Port staff in the prepara- tion of a master plan to guide the development of Port marine ter- minals through the year 2000. He named Robert F. Wallace, chair- man of the board, First National Bank of Oregon, to head the 30- member committee. "The task force has been se- lected to represent a broad range of interests affected by marine terminal development," Mr. Ed- gar said. "We expect the com- mittee to complete its work in about six months." Mr. Edgar said the charge to the task force includes recom- mendations on the questions of space requirements, rehabilita- tion of existing facilities, devel- oping more intensive use of ex- isting terminals, and economic and environmental impacts asso- ciated with maintaining an effi- cient port. The task force also will look into appropriate means of financing future Port marine terminal development. The master plan, a three-phase study, is scheduled for presenta- tion to the Port Commission in March 1981, following a period of public review. A 10,000-psi jet of water promises to revolutionize routine on-board maintenance... especially rust and scale removal of surfaces to be painted. Butterworth Systems now offers a modern alternative to the age-old chipping hammer. It's their MARINE LIQUA-BLASTER" 9HH Diesel powered pump of a MARINE LIQUA-BLASTER onboard a vessel. ultra-high pressure water- blasting equipment. Especially developed for shipboard use at sea, the MARINE LIQUA-BLASTER unit uses a diesel or electric powered pump to generate a 10,000-psi jet of water that is directed by a fail-safe, hand-held gun at the surface being descaled. "White-metal" cleaning. On a badly rusted surface, "water only" blasting removes scale and debris, leaving a surface that is acceptable for standard maintenance painting. If a moderate amount of sand is automatically added to the water jet, a surface can be "white-metal" cleaned more effectively and more efficiently than it would be with dry-sand blasting in a shipyard. With the MARINE LIQUA-BLASTER unit, a rust inhibitor can be added to protect the "white-metal" surface against oxidation before painting. 12 Introducing the Butterworth Systems MARINE LIQUA- BLASTER* SHIP MAINTENANCE SYSTEM. Better than dry-sand blasting. Because of the high velocity of the water/sand jet. the sand impacts a rusted surface with a much greater force than with regular dry-sand blasting. The end result is faster cleaning using less sand. Respirators are not required since no dust is generated. Clean-up is also easier. Other shipboard cleaning. In addition to descaling rusted surfaces, a MARINE LIQUA-BLASTER unit can be used for a number of other on-board cleaning jobs. These include cleaning condenser and boiler tubes, oil spray from machinery, galley grease filters, clogged ports, and the like. For these jobs, as well as rusted surfaces, a variety of guns, lances, round and fan jet nozzles are available. Proven on-board use. The experience on a 69.742-DWT tanker, is typical of other vessels that have used MARINE LIQUA-BLASTER equipment. Here, it was first used to clean a badly rusted 550-square-meter poop deck. The job was done as routine maintenance with interruptions for bad weather and all-hands tasks. In a little over two weeks the poop deck was "white-metal" cleaned and freshly painted. Doing the same job in a shipyard would have cost $13,750 at $25 per square meter not including the incremental lay up time to accomplish this task. Heavily rusted deck (below), after water blasting (left), and "white-metal clean after water-sand blasting (right)." Get all the facts. For full details and a copy of an eight-page report, "Shipboard Cleaning and Descaling with Ultra-high Pressure Water Blasting", write or call today. 1930 B«0 Butterworth Systems BUTTERWORTH SYSTEMS INC. 224 Park Avenue. Box 352, Florham Park. N.J. 07932 USA Telephone: (201) 765-1549 Telex: 136434 BUTTERWORTH SYSTEMS (UK) LTD. 445 Brighton Rd.. So. Croydor Surrey CR2 6EU, England Telephone: 01-668-6211 Telex: 946524 PARTEK CORPORATION OF HOUSTON 3721 Lapas Drive Houston, Texas 77023 USA Telephone: (713) 644-3636 Telex: 762199 GE Gets $38-Million Navy Contract For Nuclear Components General Electric Company, Ma- chinery Apparatus Operation, Schenectady, N.Y., has been awarded a $38,176,000 modifica- tion to a previously awarded con- tract for Naval nuclear compo- nents. The Naval Sea Systems Command is the contracting ac- tivity. (N00024-74-C-5009) Far East-Levingston Delivers Pool Rig 144 Pool Rig 144 was completed recently by Far East Levingston's Singapore yard for Pool Company of Houston. Far East-Levingston Shipbuild- ing Ltd. in Singapore recently completed and delivered another jackup rig to Pool Company of Houston. Named Pool Rig 144, the 160-foot-water-depth jackup was towed to its location in the Arabian Gulf to operate for ARAMCO. The platform consists of a tri- angular-shaped hull, 154 feet long by 132 feet wide by 15.75 feet deep. It is equipped with three triangular trussed legs with spud cans that can be lowered to the ocean floor and on which the plat- form can elevate itself above the water surface. Elevating or lowering the legs and spud cans or platform is ac- complished by mechanical gear units attached to the hull at each leg. Power supply is from diesel generator sets, which are installed inside the platform. The platform has the capabil- ity of being buoyant, and elevat- ing the hull on the spud cans, and lowering the hull to the wa- ter surface with a fixed and var- iable load totaling 7,2 00 kips (3,600 short tons) at an elevating speed of 1 foot/minute. The bearing type spud tank fitted at the lower end of each leg serves as the primary load support member for the platform. An access opening with hatch cover is provided in the top and a flooding valve is provided in the tank. A spud jetting system and tank vent is also provided. Pool Rig 144 is built to all applicable requirements of the American Bureau of Shipping for Class A-l, Self-elevating Drilling Unit. Write 373 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News