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Largest Winch Produced By NABRICO—'Big Blue' —Literature Available A new timesaving barge mov- ing winch with three-speed oper- ation in both directions (to facil- itate the back-and-forth move- ment of barges during loading and or unloading) has been de- veloped by Nashville Bridge Com- pany (NABRICO), Nashville, Tenn. Nicknamed "Big Blue" because of its color, the new barge moving winch is the largest winch cur- rently produced by NABRICO, according to Ray Jackson, vice president/materials. The winch weighs approximately 7,000 pounds. The NABRICO giant "provides 16,000 pounds of continuous line pull of 30 feet per minute, 19 feet per minute or 13 feet per minute depending on your special needs," Mr. Jackson said. "In addition," he explained, "the latter two speeds may be specially adjusted if required." According to Mr. Jackson, hav- ing three speeds from which to select the proper one is a very im- portant time-conserving factor when loading barges. In some in- stances, this feature is expected to save loaders one-third of the time required to load with a sin- gle speed winch. "Big Blue" is built with a self- contained electric-hydraulic pack- age using standard components for economical service. It features a 25-horsepower (230/460-volt) motor. Installation is as simple as run- ning an electric wire to a power source, with no special piping re- quired for either of the two units. "Big Blue's compact dimensions (18-inch drum diameter and 30- inch drum width) mean that tow- ing power can be installed exactly where you need it," Mr. Jackson explained. "Big Blue" is the latest devel- opment from NABRICO to meet the needs of the towing and water transportation industries. NABRICO is a wholly owned subsidiary of The American Ship Building Company, Tampa, Fla. Headquartered in Nashville, NA- BRICO has been in the marine field for more than 60 years and is primarily concerned with the design, engineering and construc- tion of grain and coal barges, deck barges, liquid tank barges, ce- ment barges, drydocks, and tow- boats. NABRICO is a major sup- plier to the entire marine indus- try of marine deck hardware. The company, which has plants in both Nashville and Ashland City, Tenn., pioneered in the design and build- ing of much of the modern equip- ment used on rivers today. For a free brochure providing complete specifications and infor- mation on "Big Blue," write to James Alexander, Dept. MR, Nashville Bridge Company, P.O. Box 239, Nashville, Tenn. 37202. Setenave Chairman Named To Head West European Shipbuilders Association Antonio da Costa Leal Antonio da Costa Leal, chair- man of the Setenave yard in Por- tugal, has been elected president of the Association of West Eu- ropean Shipbuilders (AWES). Sr. da Costa Leal has had a long career in Portuguese Govern- ment and private industry, begin- ning in 1947. From 1964 to 1974 he was financial manager at the Lisnave yard and a member of the board of directors for Sete- nave. He became chairman of Setenave and vice president of the Lisnave board of directors (as Government delegate) in 1978. THE CARDS ARE STACKED IN YOUR FAVOR II Hipp More than 300 DIGIPLOTs are at sea totalling over 1250 ship years of experience. With the Proven ARPA System iotron SYSTEMS DESIGNED FOR SAILORS IOTRON CORPORATION, 5 Alfred Circle, Bedford, Mass., 01730 USA Telephone (617) 275-0340 Cable: Iotron Boston Telex: 92-3426 Distributed by: Petermarine Ltd., Victoria House, Southampton Row, London WC1B 4DH. Telephone 01-242 0322. Telex 28195 8 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News