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DEPENDABLE...YES and a whole lot more... specify NABRICO WINCHES Nabrico's engineering and production capabilities have created rugged, dependable winches that are the standard by which others are measured, the world around! You can't find a better winch for fast and safe make-up and breakdown of tows. Choose the husky model that meets your require- ments knowing that you have selected the best... they'll never let you down! NABRICO'S HYDRA ELECTRIC WINCHES provides brute power with a gentle touch and uses stan- dard TEFC 1750 RPM electric motors made by several manu- facturers. There's no hydrau- lic line to run (it's self con- tained) and all models are automatic and stop when pre- set tension is reached. The load on the generators is only enough to satisfy make up tension on the line, thus saving energy. Built in the 10, 20, 40 and 60 ton capabilities with a raft of features to warm the coldest heart. Ask for new literature on the Nabrico Hydra Electric winches. NABRICO HATCHES are as innovative and distinctive as our winches. The whole line of deck fittings show the merits of being designed and built by specialists in river transport equipment... NABRICO. A request, on your letterhead, will get you a complete cata- logue of profit producing Nabrico hardware. NABRICO'S HAND WINCH ...the "old faithful" that has gladdened the lives of river men everywhere and kept operator profits grow- ing. Available in 10, 20, 40 and 60 ton capacities, Nabrico's massive, all steel con- struction assures long, trouble free service. The gears and ratchets are machine cut and no detail has been overlooked to provide the utmost in reliability. Write or Phone: NASHVILLE BRIDGE COMPANY P.O. Box 239, Nashville, Tenn., 37202, Phone (615) 244-2050 Nabrico is represented across the country by the following stocking distribu- tors. Their nearness to you may permit you to better serve your or your customers needs. Call on them ... A SUBSIDIARY OF THE AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING COMPANY BLUE WATER MARINE SUPPLY, INC. 1000 Broadway at Channeiside P.O. Box 5457, Houston, Texas 77012 (703) 928-5951 BRENT MARINE SUPPLY Harbor Front Industrial Park P.O. Box 938, Greenville, Miss. 38701 (601) 378-9100 BROWN MARINE SERVICE, INC. 40 Audusson Avenue P.O. Box 1415, Pensacola, Ela. 32596 (904) 453-3471 DONOVAN BOAT SUPPLIES, INC. Box 61018, New Orleans, La. 70160 (504) 529-5731 MARINE INDUSTRIES CORPORATION 601 Riverside Drive P.O. Box 905, Clarksville, Ind. 47130 (812) 283-5603 MARINER'S SUPPLY CO., INC. 4865 N. Lagoon, Swan Island Portland, Ore. 97217 (503) 285-5247 PELTZ BROTHERS, INC. 3499 Inventors Road Norfolk, Va. 23502 (804) 857-0181 September 1, 1980 21