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Tracor Offering Paper On Integrated Navigation Systems Tracor Instruments is offering free copies of a paper entitled "Integrated Satellite/Omega Nav- igation Systems." Presented at the 1980 RTCM Assembly in Washington, D.C., the paper high- lights the advantages of combin- ing two unique, worldwide navi- gation systems. Topics covered include the prob- lems a navigator will experience when using only Transit or the Omega navigation system by it- self. The paper discusses the trade- offs of the various approaches available when integrating a Sat- ellite Navigator with an Omega Navigator. An integrated Satellite/Omega navigation system is one approach a shipowner may take to satisfy U.S. Coast Guard rule-making with respect to ships sailing into the United States Coastal Con- fluence Zone. For a free copy of this inform- ative paper, write to John L. Hoerber, Dept. MR, Tracor In- struments, 6500 Tracor Lane, Austin, Texas 78721. J.J. Bajor Will Head Newly Formed Keppel Marine Agencies Inc. John J. Bajor Keppel Shipyard Ltd. of Sing- apore has announced the appoint- ment of John J. Bajor as presi- dent and director of the newly formed Keppel Marine Agencies Inc. This corporation, located at 26 Broadway, New York, will serve as Keppel Shipyard's exclu- sive agency in the United States and Canada. Keppel Shipyard is the largest ship repair complex in Singapore, and the parent of affiliated com- panies with activities in most fac- ets of ship and oil rig repair and construction, manufacturing, and vessel ownership and operation. Mr. Bajor has had extensive marine experience in his academ- ic, professional and naval reserve background. He began his mari- time career as a mechanic at a ship repair company. Later he sailed as ordinary seaman on sev- eral Exxon tankers prior to at- tending the U.S. Merchant Ma- rine Academy. Upon graduation, Mr. Bajor sailed in various engi- neering positions on most vessels in the Exxon U.S.A. fleet. Coming ashore with Exxon In- ternational in 1972, he was ap- pointed technical assistant, oper- ations analyst, repair and main- tenance planner, and lastly VLCC repair superintendent. In 1978, Mr. Bajor joined the Midland Ma- rine Corporation and worked at the sales and promotion of ship- yards worldwide, marine equip- ment sales, and vessel chartering. Electro-Motive Division Names The Hunt Company A Jobbing Contractor General Motors Corporation's Electro-Motive Division has re- cently named The Hunt Company of Houston a jobbing contractor for its EMD power units. The agreement, signed by George C. Mulick, general sales manager for EMD, and B.D. Richardson, pres- ident of Hunt, places Hunt among a select group comprising the worldwide EMD network. Under the agreement, The Hunt Company is authorized to sell EMD power equipment worldwide and will be responsible for proper installation, operator training, and all service work on the units they sell. The equipment will be primarily incorporated into power packages for the drilling industry. PACIFIC SHIPYARDS CORPORATION SHIPYARDS: LOS ANGELES - SEATTLE A subsidiary of Todd Shipyards Corporation Our pitch is right in there because we've been in the game over 60 years Our expertise in building ships of all types is known world-wide. We've turned out quality ship construction for decades; tankers, bulk cargo, drillships, pipelaying and a variety of naval vessels. Additionally, our ship repair and conversion capabilities are unexcelled. In short - we repair them all - big and small and that's not just a wild pitch. Our seven shipyards are on base day and night, with the facilities and skilled teams to give you fast, economical workmanship on three U.S. coasts at costs well in the ballpark. Team up with Todd for fast, competitive ship repair SHIPYARDS CORPORATION SHIPYARDS: BROOKLYN - NEW ORLEANS - GALVESTON HOUSTON - SAN FRANCISCO Executive offices: One State Street Plaza, New York, N Y. 10004. (212) 344-6900. Cable: Robin New York August 1, 1980 ZIDELL 5