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McDermott Scotland Gets $92-Million Contract From Marathon Oil U.K. McDermott Scotland, a division of McDermott International, Inc., has been awarded a contract for fabrication of a jacket, the base of an offshore platform, by Mara- thon Oil U.K. Limited. The con- tract, in excess of 40 million pounds sterling (approximately $92 million), calls for the jacket to be delivered to Marathon in April 1982. The jacket will be installed in 365 feet of water in Block 16/7A in the Brae Field of the U.K. sec- tor of the North Sea, 155 miles from Aberdeen, Scotland. The steel jacket will weigh 21,000 metric tons, and is de- signed to support a topside weight of 38,000 metric tons. It will be held in place by 36 piles, each having a diameter of 84 inches. The platform will make possible the development of one of the North Sea's deepest reservoirs. It will provide for the development of 46 wells that will reach a depth of up to 13,000 feet. By 1983, this portion of the Brae Field is ex- The Law of Demand...and Supply SPERRY IS A DIVISION OF SPERRY CORPORATION The new safety regulations demand a lot from you. They demand a lot from us, too. But Sperry is accustomed to meeting demands. For more than 50 years we've been a major manufacturer of steering system components. Today, only Sperry can supply a complete steering system. To help you comply with the latest rules, we've established a Retrofit Survey Team. Each engineer on the team is thoroughly familiar with all regulations. Call him for a survey and he'll evaluate your present system. His subsequent proposal will recommend only the equipment you'll need and he'll outline a compliance schedule, including cost and time estimates, and all the services required. Sperry provides system design review, submission of proposal for regulatory body approval, installation supervision, assistance during final inspection, and supervision of sea trials. The Sperry Retrofit Survey. When you need to know what you need. For details, see your Marine Systems representative, or call or write: Sperry Division Headquarters, Marine Systems, Great Neck, New York 11020. [516)574-3088. SPERRY A SHIP AWAY FROM HOME IS NEVER FAR FROM SPERRY. TEERVSfGSVSTEM pected to produce approximately 112,000 barrels of liquid hydro- carbons per day. The platform will have accommodations for 240 personnel. McDermott International, Inc. is a subsidiary of J. Ray McDer- mott & Co., Inc. The company and its subsidiaries provide engi- neering and construction services to the offshore oil and gas indus- try, and manufacture steam gen- erating equipment, tubular prod- ucts, insulating products, and au- tomated machine tools. Maintenance Guide For Shipboard Officers Offered By Chesterton A six-page safety engineering and applications guide for chief engineers, chief mates, communi- cations officers, and chief stew- ards with responsibility for ma- rine maintenance has been pub- lished by A.W. Chesterton Com- pany. The four-color, illustrated guide includes descriptions of cleaners, solvents, lubricants, corrosion pre- ventives, and protective coatings appropriate for engine room main- tenance and use on decks, hull and storage applications, and for elec- trical and electronic applications. Marine specialists stationed in the world's principal ports by Chesterton marine distributors handle all the products explained in the guide, which is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese. For a free copy of Bulletin 71770, write to A.W. Chesterton Company, Robert Robotham, Dept. MR, Middlesex Industrial Park at Route 93, Stoneham, Mass. 02180. CSSRA 1981 Annual Meeting Of The Technical Section Set For Montreal, Feb. 9-10 The Annual Meeting of the Technical Section of the Canadian Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing Association (CSSRA) will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Mon- treal, Quebec, February 9 and 10, 1981. The Open Session starting at 9 a.m. February 10 will be de- voted to technical papers and will be open to all interested people. Copies of papers presented will be be available at the CSSRA regis- tration desk. At 7:30 p.m., the Annual Banquet will be held in the Regence Ballroom and will be preceded by a Reception in the Foyer. For further information on the 1981 meeting, write Mrs. Joy MacPherson, Secretary / Treasur- er, CSSRA, Ste. 801, 100 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KIP 5B7, Canada. 30 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News