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Santa Fe International And Acres Consulting Form Joint Venture Santa Fe International Corpo- ration and Acres Consulting Serv- ices Ltd. have formed a joint ven- ture to provide design and engi- neering services for offshore oil and gas operations in Canada. The new organization, head- quartered in Calgary, Alberta, will be incorporated as a jointly owned company, Acres-Santa Fe Inc. It will offer design, consulting, and engineering management serv- ices for offshore drilling and pro- duction platforms, pipelines, ter- minals, loading buoys, and other installations required for the de- velopment of oil and gas fields in Canadian waters. Services also will include economic, environ- mental, and engineering studies for projects in the early planning stages. Acres Consulting Services, of Calgary, is one of Canada's larg- est civil engineering companies. Santa Fe International, of Orange, Calif., is a leading engineering, drilling, and construction contrac- tor to the international petroleum industry. New Rust Inhibitor Introduced By Farboil —Literature Available A new, rust-preventive marine ballast tank coating that is said to provide economical and long- lasting protection to ferrous met- als in a saltwater environment has been introduced by Farboil Com- pany of Baltimore. The new coating, named Bal- lastite 400®, is non-toxic and does not contaminate ballast water. It is semipermanent and can be ap- plied by spray to ballast tanks and voids during new ship con- struction or drydock periods. The coating adheres to millscale and is thermally stable, fire resistant, electrically insulating, and self- healing. It does not interfere with welding. Tanks coated with Ballastite 400 are easily maintained by pe- riodic use of Ballastite 300®, a flotation type coating that en- sures continuous coverage and protection of the metal tank sur- faces. For further information and technical data sheets, write to Joseph Harrington, Farboil Com- pany, Dept. MR, 8200 Fischer Road, Baltimore, Md. 21222. Paceco Awards Contract -Part Of $26-Million Expansion At Gulfport The Austin Company, interna- tional designers and builders headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, has been awarded a multimillion- dollar contract by Paceco, Inc. for expansion of its Gulfport, Miss., May 15, 1980 facilities. Paceco, a subsidiary of Fruehauf Corporation, one of the world's largest manufacturers of container-handling equipment, al- so intends to relocate its world headquarters to Gulfport, after 57 years in Alameda, Calif. The announcement was made by Paceco's president John F. Martin. The move is part of a major 26-mil- lion-dollar expansion and improve- ment program at Gulfport. The 47,000-square-foot, three-story of- fice building, designed by the Houston, Texas, office of The Aus- tin Company, is slated for comple- tion in June 1981. The expansion is designed to centralize Paceco's response to its growing volume of business, and to better serve both East and West Coast customers. The Ala- meda plant will continue to pro- duce Paceco's line of marine and crane products. An additional 205,000 square feet under roof is proposed for the total expansion, which will include a new machine shop (ap- proximately 60,000 square feet), an environmentally controlled blast and cleaning facility (44,- 250 square feet), fabrication bay area (54,600 square feet), and a plant services building (9,300 square feet). After completion of the program, total plant facilities will cover 508,000 square feet (more than 11 acres under roof). IT TAKES KNOWING THE ROPES TO BE A WINNER ON THE WATERFRONT IT TAKES MIDLAND. Midland's high level of experience as the insuror in complex and specialized Maritime waterfront operations means you have access to the expertise needed to plan the specific coverage that's right for you. If you're in stevedoring, ship repair, dredging, terminal operations—in short, if you're on the waterfront— call Midland. We know the ropes. Midland Insurance Company The Decisive Specialists 160 Water Street, New York, New York 10038 Telephone (212) 248-1130 31