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'What To Look For Before Buying A Dredge' Free Guide From Dixie Dredge A 22-page booklet which is a quick-reference type buying guide for those interested in purchasing any dredge is now being offered by the Dixie Dredge Corporation, free of charge. This brochure contains clear photos of key dredge areas and equipment to be carefully checked. Twenty-seven invaluable facts are explained covering ini- tial costs, downtime, up-time, the correct dredges for particular ap- plications, long-term costs, how to spot quality (or lack of it) in construction and equipment, best design and construction tech- niques, etc., etc. For a free copy, write to James V. Bishop, The Dixie Dredge Cor- poration, 8224 Polk Street, St. Louis, Mo. 63111. J.J. Henry Receives NASSCO Design And Engineering Contract J.J. Henry Co., Inc. of Moores- town, N.J., has been awarded a contract from National Steel and Shipbuilding Company to provide design and engineering services for the development of drawings for the AD-44, a 643-foot, 22,260- ton destroyer tender. This fourth ship of the class being built at Navidyne's new ESZ-7000 looks more like a satellite navigator than a Loran C. With good reason. Much of the same technology that made Navidyne's satellite navigator the world's best went into our new Loran C Navigator. So no wonder our Loran C doesn't look like any other. It's more advanced than any other. IT LOOKS TOO SIMPLE TO BE SO SOPHISTICATED. The ESZ-7000 is the soul of sim- plicity because at its heart is a very sophisticated microcomputer. One that puts on our Loran's screen everything a navigator could want to know. The date,precise time,present latitude andlongi tude,course and speed made good,and Simple initialization: Turn on...enter GRI...Period. course and distance to any of nine preselected waypoints for both great circle and rhumb line routes. Also the total distance run and estimated time of arrival. Even left-right steering com- mands for maintaining a precise predetermined course. All this. All displayed at once. Eliminating switching and look- up codes — and a large measure of human error. IT LOOKS TOO BEAUTIFUL TO BE SUCH A WORKHORSE. Our design meets all U.S. Coast Guard requirements, of course. And much more. Sealed membrane switches, instead of pushbuttons, keep salt and moisture out. The number of components has been reduced by ad- vances in electronics. And factory burn-in re- duces chance of failure to a minimum. Result: A Loran C receiver so rugged and reliable that we back it with a full three-year warranty. And if you ever need service, count on world-wide Navidyne shipboard service in nearly every major port. IT LOOKS TOO EXPENSIVE TO BE SO AFFORDABLE. By now, you probably think this is the most expensive Loran Con the market. Not so. Compare its features to units costing far more — and there's no comparison. The ESZ-7000 sets a whole new standard. TWO WAYS OF LOOKING AT THE ESZ-7000. LOP reading also available as well as LAV LONG. If warnings indicate possible tracking problems, you can easily change from the fully automatic latitude/longitude-reading screen to a display of up to five time differences (TDs) as shown here. With all pertinent information about the condition of each signal. A simplified version of the ESZ-7000 is also available which displays Loran C time differences only. But even it offers more information at a glance than any other Loran C. In fact, any way you look at our new unit, you find it's worth a closer look. For more information and the loca- tion of your nearest dealer, contact: Navidyne, 11824 Fishing Point Drive Newport ^ „ fea NAvidyimF gif Telephone: 804/874-4488. Telex: 82- 3653 (NAVIDYNE NPNS). National Steel and Shipbuilding Company will incorporate the de- sign changes added during devel- opment of the AD-41-43 draw- ings, and will further incorporate new changes. J.J. Henry will per- form all engineering at the offices in Moorestown. The Moorestown Division of J.J. Henry Co., Inc. is also pro- viding detail working plans to Peterson Builders, Inc., Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc., Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company, Avondale Shipyards, and Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. Gerald A. Weinmann Elected VP-Finance At SCNO Barge Lines The election of Gerald A. Wein- mann to vice president-Finance for SCNO Barge Lines, Inc. was recently announced by Fred S. Sherman, president. Mr. Weinmann has served for the past 10 years as treasurer- assistant secretary for SCNO. In his new position, Mr. Weinmann will be responsible for the corpo- rate financial and management information systems. SCNO Barge Lines is a St. Louis, Mo.-based water common carrier serving the inland water- way system. Robert Sanders To Yard Superintendent N. Seregos, president of Jack- son Engineering and Drydock Co., Inc. (formerly Brewer Drydock), Staten Island, N.Y., announced the appointment of Robert Sand- ers as yard superintendent. Robert Sanders Mr. Sanders has had over 30 years' experience in the ship re- pair industry. He has previously served in various managerial po- sitions such as structural super- intendent for Bethlehem Steel's Quincy Yard, ship's manager for the Submarine Building Program at General Dynamics' Quincy Yard, and as shipyard manager in charge of the Naval Shipyard at Bushier in the Persian Gulf. Before joining Jackson, Mr. Sand- ers was shipyard manager for the Braswell Yard in Boston, Mass. Jackson Engineering is under- going a major expansion program necessitated by its growing dry- dock and ship repair business. In addition to the shipyard, the com- pany maintains a large machine shop and repair facility at its Hoboken, N.J., location. 56 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News